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View Full Version : Feature Requests

  1. Outfitmate Death Audio Notifications (0 replies)
  2. Folders for Dynamic Audio in Voice Packs (3 replies)
  3. Color Scheme Improvement (1 replies)
  4. Per Character Voice Pack Assignment / Random Voice Pack (1 replies)
  5. Twitch Chat Plug-in (2 replies)
  6. Is it possible to add new achievements? (1 replies)
  7. [REQUEST] Helmet HUD overlay (0 replies)
  8. Adding support for additional audio formats? (0 replies)
  9. Minutes instead of hours? (2 replies)
  10. Resizable window (3 replies)
  11. Achievement (5 replies)
  12. XP/Life instead of KDR (4 replies)
  13. Text to Speech to VOIP Overlay (0 replies)
  14. Request: Ammo Printer Clock (1 replies)
  15. Constructive suggestion: Dynamic Crosshair Overlay (1 replies)
  16. Achievements page update (0 replies)
  17. Rare events (0 replies)
  18. Construction addons (0 replies)
  19. Possibility of IVI KD instead of real KD in live time in the tracker? (1 replies)
  20. Team Kill Tracked (1 replies)
  21. Is this even possible? (2 replies)
  22. Continent tracking (1 replies)
  23. beep sound for hits (1 replies)
  24. Fire suppression timer overlay component (33 replies)
  25. Right Click a name in the killboard to open Fisu/DA/Recursion stats page in browser (3 replies)
  26. More anti-air than Flyswatter? (1 replies)
  27. Setting Sanctioned/Unsanctioned weapons. (3 replies)
  28. Voicepack request (2 replies)
  29. Change Archievment Conditions? (2 replies)
  30. Ability to change the "Session Started" and "Session Ended" sounds (4 replies)
  31. Character specific voicepacks? (0 replies)
  32. Sub-Session Tracking (aka "Lap Timer") (2 replies)
  33. Achievement Overlay Notification size adjust (0 replies)
  34. Offline Mode: Select from list of 'known' players (2 replies)
  35. use multiple voicepacks at the same time + ReplayGain (2 replies)
  36. Clock (8 replies)
  37. [Feature request] Crosshair-Overlay (3 replies)
  38. desired features (0 replies)
  39. Avoid empty session (auto-saved) (1 replies)
  40. Kill Streak Kill Counter (0 replies)
  41. Achievement for making someone bail and log out when you kill their vehicle (3 replies)
  42. More dynamic sounds and inactivity achievement (6 replies)
  43. Delayed Hook (1 replies)
  44. Kill per Minute tracker? (4 replies)
  45. Saved session - text field (2 replies)
  46. "New follower" sound (3 replies)
  47. Logging the event board to a text file (0 replies)
  48. Combat Medic Heals total and per death (1 replies)
  49. Web page addresses and interface program for Language option (1 replies)
  50. range of kills? (0 replies)
  51. 2 New Medals (0 replies)
  52. [Feature Request] Squad/Friend tracking. (0 replies)
  53. New Achievement Request: Equal Opportunity Killer (0 replies)
  54. Keybinding change option (1 replies)
  55. Launch Button (2 replies)
  56. XML Layout for In-Game Overlay (1 replies)
  57. Render distance slider memorized preset (0 replies)
  58. Suggestions For Medals And The Program - This Is What You Want Recursion Team (1 replies)
  59. IRC Chat Monitor (1 replies)
  60. Update the Form into a Metro like Form (2 replies)
  61. Ideas for new achievements (4 replies)
  62. Negative achievement for teamkill ragequit (0 replies)
  63. A Reticle in the Center of the screen for the Persistent in-game HUD? (2 replies)
  64. Option to disable deathstreak archievements. (2 replies)
  65. Achievement requests (8 replies)
  66. Achievement Idea: Rival (8 replies)
  67. New Achievement Ideas (8 replies)
  68. Tournaments (2 replies)
  69. Overlay Screen Resolutions (1 replies)
  70. Logitech g15 app (4 replies)
  71. Overlay with stats (0 replies)
  72. New Death Screen Achievements Suggestion (0 replies)
  73. Audio Device Selection (3 replies)
  74. It's been a while since I posted here... (2 replies)
  75. Apps? (7 replies)
  76. More text options (0 replies)
  77. Announcer Customization (5 replies)
  78. Support Achievements (8 replies)
  79. Eufie voice pack (11 replies)
  80. Pistol Achievements? (6 replies)