- Outfitmate Death Audio Notifications (0 replies)
- Folders for Dynamic Audio in Voice Packs (3 replies)
- Color Scheme Improvement (1 replies)
- Per Character Voice Pack Assignment / Random Voice Pack (1 replies)
- Twitch Chat Plug-in (2 replies)
- Is it possible to add new achievements? (1 replies)
- [REQUEST] Helmet HUD overlay (0 replies)
- Adding support for additional audio formats? (0 replies)
- Minutes instead of hours? (2 replies)
- Resizable window (3 replies)
- Achievement (5 replies)
- XP/Life instead of KDR (4 replies)
- Text to Speech to VOIP Overlay (0 replies)
- Request: Ammo Printer Clock (1 replies)
- Constructive suggestion: Dynamic Crosshair Overlay (1 replies)
- Achievements page update (0 replies)
- Rare events (0 replies)
- Construction addons (0 replies)
- Possibility of IVI KD instead of real KD in live time in the tracker? (1 replies)
- Team Kill Tracked (1 replies)
- Is this even possible? (2 replies)
- Continent tracking (1 replies)
- beep sound for hits (1 replies)
- Fire suppression timer overlay component (33 replies)
- Right Click a name in the killboard to open Fisu/DA/Recursion stats page in browser (3 replies)
- More anti-air than Flyswatter? (1 replies)
- Setting Sanctioned/Unsanctioned weapons. (3 replies)
- Voicepack request (2 replies)
- Change Archievment Conditions? (2 replies)
- Ability to change the "Session Started" and "Session Ended" sounds (4 replies)
- Character specific voicepacks? (0 replies)
- Sub-Session Tracking (aka "Lap Timer") (2 replies)
- Achievement Overlay Notification size adjust (0 replies)
- Offline Mode: Select from list of 'known' players (2 replies)
- use multiple voicepacks at the same time + ReplayGain (2 replies)
- Clock (8 replies)
- [Feature request] Crosshair-Overlay (3 replies)
- desired features (0 replies)
- Avoid empty session (auto-saved) (1 replies)
- Kill Streak Kill Counter (0 replies)
- Achievement for making someone bail and log out when you kill their vehicle (3 replies)
- More dynamic sounds and inactivity achievement (6 replies)
- Delayed Hook (1 replies)
- Kill per Minute tracker? (4 replies)
- Saved session - text field (2 replies)
- "New follower" sound (3 replies)
- Logging the event board to a text file (0 replies)
- Combat Medic Heals total and per death (1 replies)
- Web page addresses and interface program for Language option (1 replies)
- range of kills? (0 replies)
- 2 New Medals (0 replies)
- [Feature Request] Squad/Friend tracking. (0 replies)
- New Achievement Request: Equal Opportunity Killer (0 replies)
- Keybinding change option (1 replies)
- Launch Button (2 replies)
- XML Layout for In-Game Overlay (1 replies)
- Render distance slider memorized preset (0 replies)
- Suggestions For Medals And The Program - This Is What You Want Recursion Team (1 replies)
- IRC Chat Monitor (1 replies)
- Update the Form into a Metro like Form (2 replies)
- Ideas for new achievements (4 replies)
- Negative achievement for teamkill ragequit (0 replies)
- A Reticle in the Center of the screen for the Persistent in-game HUD? (2 replies)
- Option to disable deathstreak archievements. (2 replies)
- Achievement requests (8 replies)
- Achievement Idea: Rival (8 replies)
- New Achievement Ideas (8 replies)
- Tournaments (2 replies)
- Overlay Screen Resolutions (1 replies)
- Logitech g15 app (4 replies)
- Overlay with stats (0 replies)
- New Death Screen Achievements Suggestion (0 replies)
- Audio Device Selection (3 replies)
- It's been a while since I posted here... (2 replies)
- Apps? (7 replies)
- More text options (0 replies)
- Announcer Customization (5 replies)
- Support Achievements (8 replies)
- Eufie voice pack (11 replies)
- Pistol Achievements? (6 replies)