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  1. Cannot start a session since wednesday 31, july of 2024 (2 replies)
  2. Unable to reach API servers (0 replies)
  3. Missing icons (and achivements) (1 replies)
  4. Session Stats are way off (11 replies)
  5. In-game Overlay has a weird interaction with Windows 11 Settings popup windows (1 replies)
  6. Recursion counting (as far as I can tell) Experience Events as kills/deaths (0 replies)
  7. Are The Statistics Wrong On Recursion? Different From My Ingame Stats (1 replies)
  8. Are The Statistics Wrong On Recursion? Different From My Ingame Stats (0 replies)
  9. Recursion registers random vehicle kills (2 replies)
  10. Random Vehicle Kills since PS" Update (16 replies)
  11. Socket Timeout, Offline Mode not working, etc... (8 replies)
  12. Recursion overlay freezes after a while (5 replies)
  13. Error: Player missing (4 replies)
  14. Enable sounds without images? (6 replies)
  15. Added Dynamic Sounds won't work properly.. Help, please (0 replies)
  16. Error: Socket_timeout (18 replies)
  17. Audio is extremely quiet (2 replies)
  18. Players added does not persist after reboots (3 replies)
  19. Can only see mods (0 replies)
  20. It won't let me add any of my Characters and it also looks weird! (11 replies)
  21. Recursion tracker windows empty (8 replies)
  22. Explosive Efficiency and Fragasm don't seem to work with plasma grenades (0 replies)
  23. Recursion overlay not working at all (0 replies)
  24. I cant sign into the client (1 replies)
  25. Error: Player_Missing (2 replies)
  26. RST Offline and could not add player! (10 replies)
  27. Weapon Stat Sorting Bugs (0 replies)
  28. Recursion Crosshair not working (0 replies)
  29. Achievement Banner becomes "locked" when published with voice pack (0 replies)
  30. No mods at all. (1 replies)
  31. Could not connect problem after install (4 replies)
  32. Can't connect or add character! (2 replies)
  33. Trouble with installing (0 replies)
  34. Error, Help plez (1 replies)
  35. overlay does not work (0 replies)
  36. Overlay doesn't show up anymore (0 replies)
  37. PlanetSide Arena Fix (2 replies)
  38. help me use my voice packs, I can't enable them. (2 replies)
  39. Hello. I'm new and I can't log in. and I don't know anything. (1 replies)
  40. Issue with Recursion site character link (1 replies)
  41. DirectX11 Issues (6 replies)
  42. Overlay Crosshair not showing up. (1 replies)
  43. Problems with overlay (1 replies)
  44. Can't Login To Program (0 replies)
  45. lifetime kill number doesnt update and accumulate.?? (3 replies)
  46. "error: Socket_timeout" (4 replies)
  47. Session starts, but overlay does not show (0 replies)
  48. RST does not remember players every time is it started up. (1 replies)
  49. Dark Screen when running overlay (2 replies)
  50. Planetside closes when running Recursion (5 replies)
  51. crosshair doesn't save (1 replies)
  52. Planetside 2 not connecting after loging screen (0 replies)
  53. Achievement's and overlay not working (0 replies)
  54. Is this download speed normal? (0 replies)
  55. Bug BattlEye Launcher & Recursion (2 replies)
  56. Error: "Could not connect" (2 replies)
  57. FPS massive drop (2 replies)
  58. Recursion causes games to freeze when making any keyboard or mouse input (1 replies)
  59. Recursion Tracker crashes PS2 (2 replies)
  60. Recursion Tracker prevent Planetside from running. (7 replies)
  61. cant get achieve or session stats 2 show (1 replies)
  62. ASP patch update (6 replies)
  63. Error: Failed to load RTPluginPS2.dll (2 replies)
  64. Not saving settings and mod configs. Windows 10. (2 replies)
  65. Mods not working? (2 replies)
  66. RTST Crash (0 replies)
  67. Overlay Issue (3 replies)
  68. Issues after Windows 10 Fall Creators Update (8 replies)
  69. Failed to load - RTPluginPS2.dll (0 replies)
  70. HUD Overlay - Display coordinates (0 replies)
  71. Massive freezing issues (4 replies)
  72. My Recursion tracker issue (4 replies)
  73. Recursion Tracker error report (0 replies)
  74. Windows 10 Creators Update (0 replies)
  75. Mouse issue (1 replies)
  76. AE commies not working for the Pistol Achievement line (1 replies)
  77. Client stays in "Offline" mode... (4 replies)
  78. Absolute paths for dynamic files instead of relative paths (1 replies)
  79. Missing sound when using Logitech G930 (2 replies)
  80. PUP in RST? (2 replies)
  81. I deleted my character, and made another with the same name, now i cant see my stats (0 replies)
  82. RST Voice Pack Help - "incorrect" descriptions (0 replies)
  83. Overlay not working (3 replies)
  84. Overlay blocked by BattleEye (8 replies)
  85. Overlay not working (14 replies)
  86. "Could not connect" V2 (5 replies)
  87. Dynamic sound playing default (1 replies)
  88. Stat tracking not working for my Emerald Character (1 replies)
  89. "Could not connect" (5 replies)
  90. Program works fine except no tracking of in-game activity (2 replies)
  91. Cannot update or uninstall v9.2.5 without the original .MSI (2 replies)
  92. Vehicle Gunner Display not showing. (3 replies)
  93. Unable to install - folder path contains invalid characters (1 replies)
  94. Gray Area where stats/information would be located (5 replies)
  95. Unable to login and start client (8 replies)
  96. Character's name invisible, no button add or delete player appearing (3 replies)
  97. Tracker not receiving kill/death calls at all. (2 replies)
  98. Toons gone every restart (1 replies)
  99. HUD not working (3 replies)
  100. Unable to update (3 replies)
  101. Spitfire kills doesn't get updated in "All Weapons" (0 replies)
  102. Anti Virus False Positive (0 replies)
  103. Not hearing any "Sound Per Kill" (0 replies)
  104. Two characters with the same name (one ded), can't see achievements (0 replies)
  105. Issues Starting the Client (3 replies)
  106. HUD Overlay seems a little too big (4 replies)
  107. Type initializer threw an exception (5 replies)
  108. Trouble Logging for the Recursion Stat tracker (3 replies)
  109. Positive LOD bias breaks overlay (0 replies)
  110. Overlay Crosshairs not centered (3 replies)
  111. Not working after clicking pop up to update program (1 replies)
  112. Overlay not working. (0 replies)
  113. Need help asap please! Before I take drastic measures. (1 replies)
  114. Need to re-install Simple Sesstion Stats every time after restarting RST (2 replies)
  115. cant get voicepack working (0 replies)
  116. Unable to disable system sounds (1 replies)
  117. Create Session Bug (1 replies)
  118. Can't sign in (1 replies)
  119. Unable To Publish a Soundpack (5 replies)
  120. v0.11 - RST resets custom settings ... (4 replies)
  121. constant error on clicking "options" (2 replies)
  122. This implementation is not part of the Windows Platform FIPS validated... (4 replies)
  123. Overlay not working (2 replies)
  124. How to reset Voice Pack to Default? (3 replies)
  125. Achievements Playing On Next Startup (1 replies)
  126. Duplication of character (0 replies)
  127. Stuck in Offline Mode and Can't Update or Reinstall (15 replies)
  128. Stuck in Offline Mode and Can't Update or Reinstall (0 replies)
  129. Unable to reach the API servers. (7 replies)
  130. Options bug (4 replies)
  131. Options menu wont open (2 replies)
  132. [Bug or Feature Request] RTST Overlay + Radeon Pro CTD (6 replies)
  133. Voice packs, killstreak overlays dont work (0 replies)
  134. RT always stays in offline mode (9 replies)
  135. Problem to start the program correctly (0 replies)
  136. Overlay hides on XP gain (6 replies)
  137. Driver crashes (0 replies)
  138. Recursion overlay not working (3 replies)
  139. Can't add players, RST stopped working (3 replies)
  140. Audio changing on me (1 replies)
  141. Audio only. (0 replies)
  142. Batman/Scripted Cheater + Scout Rifles (0 replies)
  143. Create account link on client outdated (1 replies)
  144. Choosing Sound Files with the ogg extension while creating a new Voicepack causes err (0 replies)
  145. Auto login doesn't work on Windows 10 (4 replies)
  146. Offline mode and no connection for update. (0 replies)
  147. Recursion stuck on loading screen (0 replies)
  148. Older Versions? (0 replies)
  149. Overlay turns itself off on XP events (2 replies)
  150. Unable to load VoicePack (1 replies)
  151. Enable sound not saving through restarts (0 replies)
  152. Cant login (1 replies)
  153. Unable to earn "Kamikaze" and "Road Rage" achievements (2 replies)
  154. Unable to connect to API servers,Can't update, Can't add players (even Numeric ID) (9 replies)
  155. Offline Mode: Disable the "repeat customer" and "welcome to planetside" vo lines (2 replies)
  156. Cannot update or add any players (3 replies)
  157. PSA: DBG is gettin DDoS'd taking the API offline. It's back whenever that stops (1 replies)
  158. Cant connect to API (0 replies)
  159. Unable to reach API Servers. (5 replies)
  160. Could not add Player (1 replies)
  161. Overlay CTD (5 replies)
  162. New character with same name (0 replies)
  163. My overlay Not WORKS :( (3 replies)
  164. Stuttering when playing with Recursion (1 replies)
  165. "An error has occurred: Object reference not set to an instance of an object." (0 replies)
  166. Cannot uninstall and install latest version (4 replies)
  167. error:socket_time (2 replies)
  168. Invalid character in the given encoding. Line 2, position 1 error. (1 replies)
  169. multiple characters (2 replies)
  170. Issue with (1 replies)
  171. Name change problem (5 replies)
  172. Continued loading (4 replies)
  173. Crashing and no overlay (1 replies)
  174. In game overlay hasn't worked for the past few months. (6 replies)
  175. Problem with Voice Packs (2 replies)
  176. Font rendering in main window poor for deaths, good for kills (0 replies)
  177. Changed faction (VS to NC) this happened: (3 replies)
  178. Main Window Disappears on second Monitor when the game loads (5 replies)
  179. GUN_BIGGER not triggering properly? (7 replies)
  180. RST 10.3 - Get an error message when opening Options/Components (0 replies)
  181. Stat tracker sounds are delayed (12 replies)
  182. Overlay HUD not working (2 replies)
  183. Scripted Cheater And Batman Achievements not working ( (1 replies)
  184. Ingame HUD not working (10 replies)
  185. Voice pack not working (6 replies)
  186. Stat Tracker doesn´t work ingame (3 replies)
  187. Issue with Auraxium percentage counter on the large overlay (3 replies)
  188. Sound packs revert to default every startup (4 replies)
  189. Small overlay HUD not working (8 replies)
  190. Can't login on Recursion Stat Tracker (2 replies)
  191. HUD not loading. (11 replies)
  192. Multiple Characters causing stats not to show (8 replies)
  193. rtst_d3doverlay_x64.dll is in use (6 replies)
  194. Revenge sound doesn't work and changeing sounds folder directory? (4 replies)
  195. Cant Install Recursion Stat Tracker (2 replies)
  196. Stat Tracker Not Working (3 replies)
  197. Can't login after latest patch (2 replies)
  198. New trackr update user name /password is (the wrong format) (1 replies)
  199. Not able to login (1 replies)
  200. Having troubles installing the tracker (2 replies)
  201. Unable to see the Recursion Overlay In-Game (settings linked) (8 replies)
  202. Possible Fix for everyone who has issues to log in to RT (1 replies)
  203. Help Tracking Down HUD Disappearing Bug (2 replies)
  204. Installer fails with "unable to create appdata directory" prompt. (4 replies)
  205. Failure to Track Player, Despite Tracking Other Players (4 replies)
  206. NumPad Keybind Issue (3 replies)
  207. Failing to update to newest Beta (since the stop from 9 to beta 10) (13 replies)
  208. REcursion Beta has mysteriously enabled Wake on Lan settings. (1 replies)
  209. Planetside freezing right after logging in (5 replies)
  210. Voice pack port over from v10 to v9 (1 replies)
  211. [] Overlay Crashes after a Few Hours (3 replies)
  212. Virus in RTST ? (8 replies)
  213. Stat tracker overlay does not work at ALL for me (5 replies)
  214. since the update today, directx wont initialize (4 replies)
  215. Weapon error in ver (5 replies)
  216. Loading Issue (4 replies)
  217. RTST CTD Radeon Pro D3D (non)compatibility - and potential "game render" issue in OBS (2 replies)
  218. [Bug?] New players. (1 replies)
  219. One feature I miss (1 replies)
  220. When starting OBS game capture with RTST & D3D hook enabled, PS2 CTDs (6 replies)
  221. [] In-Game Overlay Not Working 75% of the Time (3 replies)
  222. Broken fonts and per-kill sound in (7 replies)
  223. Ok... (9 replies)
  224. 10.1.1B Login bug (1 replies)
  225. D3D Com.Error and PS2 CTD (9 replies)
  226. Unable to get "real time" tracking, am forced to click "update session" (6 replies)
  227. Achievements bugged out on me. (0 replies)
  228. It suddenly stopped working (1 replies)
  229. PS2 Name Change - RTST lost. (5 replies)
  230. Decimation: doesn't work with black/golden decimator (2 replies)
  231. Lumine Edge knife kills reporting as 'Scorpius' (1 replies)
  232. Icikill isn't registered as a knife for the knife achievement (1 replies)
  233. RTST won't connect to the Tracker/Game API (3 replies)
  234. rtst wont work (0 replies)
  235. Weird issue, text misaligned in Recursion Achievement Options (1 replies)
  236. Fix for PS2 Crash at 5% (1 replies)
  237. Start Session -> changes game to Windowed Mode from Full Screen (1 replies)
  238. RTST Detroying my FPS (1 replies)
  239. Killed SOE dev, but no achievement (4 replies)
  240. Batman Didn't Register? (3 replies)
  241. Planetside crashes if recursion is running first (12 replies)
  242. Not able to log into new account (4 replies)
  243. I am not able to login to my new account (1 replies)
  244. Not Abel to register (10 replies)
  245. could not connect (5 replies)
  246. Scrpted Cheater Bug - Beta 10 (4 replies)
  247. Error: Socket Timeout (0 replies)
  248. Non 1920x1080 streaming overlay? (1 replies)
  249. Error:socket_timeout (3 replies)
  250. Beta 10 - Achievements showing as white boxes (2 replies)