View Full Version : Bugs and Issues
- Cannot start a session since wednesday 31, july of 2024 (2 replies)
- Unable to reach API servers (0 replies)
- Missing icons (and achivements) (1 replies)
- Session Stats are way off (11 replies)
- In-game Overlay has a weird interaction with Windows 11 Settings popup windows (1 replies)
- Recursion counting (as far as I can tell) Experience Events as kills/deaths (0 replies)
- Are The Statistics Wrong On Recursion? Different From My Ingame Stats (1 replies)
- Are The Statistics Wrong On Recursion? Different From My Ingame Stats (0 replies)
- Recursion registers random vehicle kills (2 replies)
- Random Vehicle Kills since PS" Update (16 replies)
- Socket Timeout, Offline Mode not working, etc... (8 replies)
- Recursion overlay freezes after a while (5 replies)
- Error: Player missing (4 replies)
- Enable sounds without images? (6 replies)
- Added Dynamic Sounds won't work properly.. Help, please (0 replies)
- Error: Socket_timeout (18 replies)
- Audio is extremely quiet (2 replies)
- Players added does not persist after reboots (3 replies)
- Can only see mods (0 replies)
- It won't let me add any of my Characters and it also looks weird! (11 replies)
- Recursion tracker windows empty (8 replies)
- Explosive Efficiency and Fragasm don't seem to work with plasma grenades (0 replies)
- Recursion overlay not working at all (0 replies)
- I cant sign into the client (1 replies)
- Error: Player_Missing (2 replies)
- RST Offline and could not add player! (10 replies)
- Weapon Stat Sorting Bugs (0 replies)
- Recursion Crosshair not working (0 replies)
- Achievement Banner becomes "locked" when published with voice pack (0 replies)
- No mods at all. (1 replies)
- Could not connect problem after install (4 replies)
- Can't connect or add character! (2 replies)
- Trouble with installing (0 replies)
- Error, Help plez (1 replies)
- overlay does not work (0 replies)
- Overlay doesn't show up anymore (0 replies)
- PlanetSide Arena Fix (2 replies)
- help me use my voice packs, I can't enable them. (2 replies)
- Hello. I'm new and I can't log in. and I don't know anything. (1 replies)
- Issue with Recursion site character link (1 replies)
- DirectX11 Issues (6 replies)
- Overlay Crosshair not showing up. (1 replies)
- Problems with overlay (1 replies)
- Can't Login To Program (0 replies)
- lifetime kill number doesnt update and accumulate.?? (3 replies)
- "error: Socket_timeout" (4 replies)
- Session starts, but overlay does not show (0 replies)
- RST does not remember players every time is it started up. (1 replies)
- Dark Screen when running overlay (2 replies)
- Planetside closes when running Recursion (5 replies)
- crosshair doesn't save (1 replies)
- Planetside 2 not connecting after loging screen (0 replies)
- Achievement's and overlay not working (0 replies)
- Is this download speed normal? (0 replies)
- Bug BattlEye Launcher & Recursion (2 replies)
- Error: "Could not connect" (2 replies)
- FPS massive drop (2 replies)
- Recursion causes games to freeze when making any keyboard or mouse input (1 replies)
- Recursion Tracker crashes PS2 (2 replies)
- Recursion Tracker prevent Planetside from running. (7 replies)
- cant get achieve or session stats 2 show (1 replies)
- ASP patch update (6 replies)
- Error: Failed to load RTPluginPS2.dll (2 replies)
- Not saving settings and mod configs. Windows 10. (2 replies)
- Mods not working? (2 replies)
- RTST Crash (0 replies)
- Overlay Issue (3 replies)
- Issues after Windows 10 Fall Creators Update (8 replies)
- Failed to load - RTPluginPS2.dll (0 replies)
- HUD Overlay - Display coordinates (0 replies)
- Massive freezing issues (4 replies)
- My Recursion tracker issue (4 replies)
- Recursion Tracker error report (0 replies)
- Windows 10 Creators Update (0 replies)
- Mouse issue (1 replies)
- AE commies not working for the Pistol Achievement line (1 replies)
- Client stays in "Offline" mode... (4 replies)
- Absolute paths for dynamic files instead of relative paths (1 replies)
- Missing sound when using Logitech G930 (2 replies)
- PUP in RST? (2 replies)
- I deleted my character, and made another with the same name, now i cant see my stats (0 replies)
- RST Voice Pack Help - "incorrect" descriptions (0 replies)
- Overlay not working (3 replies)
- Overlay blocked by BattleEye (8 replies)
- Overlay not working (14 replies)
- "Could not connect" V2 (5 replies)
- Dynamic sound playing default (1 replies)
- Stat tracking not working for my Emerald Character (1 replies)
- "Could not connect" (5 replies)
- Program works fine except no tracking of in-game activity (2 replies)
- Cannot update or uninstall v9.2.5 without the original .MSI (2 replies)
- Vehicle Gunner Display not showing. (3 replies)
- Unable to install - folder path contains invalid characters (1 replies)
- Gray Area where stats/information would be located (5 replies)
- Unable to login and start client (8 replies)
- Character's name invisible, no button add or delete player appearing (3 replies)
- Tracker not receiving kill/death calls at all. (2 replies)
- Toons gone every restart (1 replies)
- HUD not working (3 replies)
- Unable to update (3 replies)
- Spitfire kills doesn't get updated in "All Weapons" (0 replies)
- Anti Virus False Positive (0 replies)
- Not hearing any "Sound Per Kill" (0 replies)
- Two characters with the same name (one ded), can't see achievements (0 replies)
- Issues Starting the Client (3 replies)
- HUD Overlay seems a little too big (4 replies)
- Type initializer threw an exception (5 replies)
- Trouble Logging for the Recursion Stat tracker (3 replies)
- Positive LOD bias breaks overlay (0 replies)
- Overlay Crosshairs not centered (3 replies)
- Not working after clicking pop up to update program (1 replies)
- Overlay not working. (0 replies)
- Need help asap please! Before I take drastic measures. (1 replies)
- Need to re-install Simple Sesstion Stats every time after restarting RST (2 replies)
- cant get voicepack working (0 replies)
- Unable to disable system sounds (1 replies)
- Create Session Bug (1 replies)
- Can't sign in (1 replies)
- Unable To Publish a Soundpack (5 replies)
- v0.11 - RST resets custom settings ... (4 replies)
- constant error on clicking "options" (2 replies)
- This implementation is not part of the Windows Platform FIPS validated... (4 replies)
- Overlay not working (2 replies)
- How to reset Voice Pack to Default? (3 replies)
- Achievements Playing On Next Startup (1 replies)
- Duplication of character (0 replies)
- Stuck in Offline Mode and Can't Update or Reinstall (15 replies)
- Stuck in Offline Mode and Can't Update or Reinstall (0 replies)
- Unable to reach the API servers. (7 replies)
- Options bug (4 replies)
- Options menu wont open (2 replies)
- [Bug or Feature Request] RTST Overlay + Radeon Pro CTD (6 replies)
- Voice packs, killstreak overlays dont work (0 replies)
- RT always stays in offline mode (9 replies)
- Problem to start the program correctly (0 replies)
- Overlay hides on XP gain (6 replies)
- Driver crashes (0 replies)
- Recursion overlay not working (3 replies)
- Can't add players, RST stopped working (3 replies)
- Audio changing on me (1 replies)
- Audio only. (0 replies)
- Batman/Scripted Cheater + Scout Rifles (0 replies)
- Create account link on client outdated (1 replies)
- Choosing Sound Files with the ogg extension while creating a new Voicepack causes err (0 replies)
- Auto login doesn't work on Windows 10 (4 replies)
- Offline mode and no connection for update. (0 replies)
- Recursion stuck on loading screen (0 replies)
- Older Versions? (0 replies)
- Overlay turns itself off on XP events (2 replies)
- Unable to load VoicePack (1 replies)
- Enable sound not saving through restarts (0 replies)
- Cant login (1 replies)
- Unable to earn "Kamikaze" and "Road Rage" achievements (2 replies)
- Unable to connect to API servers,Can't update, Can't add players (even Numeric ID) (9 replies)
- Offline Mode: Disable the "repeat customer" and "welcome to planetside" vo lines (2 replies)
- Cannot update or add any players (3 replies)
- PSA: DBG is gettin DDoS'd taking the API offline. It's back whenever that stops (1 replies)
- Cant connect to API (0 replies)
- Unable to reach API Servers. (5 replies)
- Could not add Player (1 replies)
- Overlay CTD (5 replies)
- New character with same name (0 replies)
- My overlay Not WORKS :( (3 replies)
- Stuttering when playing with Recursion (1 replies)
- "An error has occurred: Object reference not set to an instance of an object." (0 replies)
- Cannot uninstall and install latest version (4 replies)
- error:socket_time (2 replies)
- Invalid character in the given encoding. Line 2, position 1 error. (1 replies)
- multiple characters (2 replies)
- Issue with (1 replies)
- Name change problem (5 replies)
- Continued loading (4 replies)
- Crashing and no overlay (1 replies)
- In game overlay hasn't worked for the past few months. (6 replies)
- Problem with Voice Packs (2 replies)
- Font rendering in main window poor for deaths, good for kills (0 replies)
- Changed faction (VS to NC) this happened: (3 replies)
- Main Window Disappears on second Monitor when the game loads (5 replies)
- GUN_BIGGER not triggering properly? (7 replies)
- RST 10.3 - Get an error message when opening Options/Components (0 replies)
- Stat tracker sounds are delayed (12 replies)
- Overlay HUD not working (2 replies)
- Scripted Cheater And Batman Achievements not working ( (1 replies)
- Ingame HUD not working (10 replies)
- Voice pack not working (6 replies)
- Stat Tracker doesn´t work ingame (3 replies)
- Issue with Auraxium percentage counter on the large overlay (3 replies)
- Sound packs revert to default every startup (4 replies)
- Small overlay HUD not working (8 replies)
- Can't login on Recursion Stat Tracker (2 replies)
- HUD not loading. (11 replies)
- Multiple Characters causing stats not to show (8 replies)
- rtst_d3doverlay_x64.dll is in use (6 replies)
- Revenge sound doesn't work and changeing sounds folder directory? (4 replies)
- Cant Install Recursion Stat Tracker (2 replies)
- Stat Tracker Not Working (3 replies)
- Can't login after latest patch (2 replies)
- New trackr update user name /password is (the wrong format) (1 replies)
- Not able to login (1 replies)
- Having troubles installing the tracker (2 replies)
- Unable to see the Recursion Overlay In-Game (settings linked) (8 replies)
- Possible Fix for everyone who has issues to log in to RT (1 replies)
- Help Tracking Down HUD Disappearing Bug (2 replies)
- Installer fails with "unable to create appdata directory" prompt. (4 replies)
- Failure to Track Player, Despite Tracking Other Players (4 replies)
- NumPad Keybind Issue (3 replies)
- Failing to update to newest Beta (since the stop from 9 to beta 10) (13 replies)
- REcursion Beta has mysteriously enabled Wake on Lan settings. (1 replies)
- Planetside freezing right after logging in (5 replies)
- Voice pack port over from v10 to v9 (1 replies)
- [] Overlay Crashes after a Few Hours (3 replies)
- Virus in RTST ? (8 replies)
- Stat tracker overlay does not work at ALL for me (5 replies)
- since the update today, directx wont initialize (4 replies)
- Weapon error in ver (5 replies)
- Loading Issue (4 replies)
- RTST CTD Radeon Pro D3D (non)compatibility - and potential "game render" issue in OBS (2 replies)
- [Bug?] New players. (1 replies)
- One feature I miss (1 replies)
- When starting OBS game capture with RTST & D3D hook enabled, PS2 CTDs (6 replies)
- [] In-Game Overlay Not Working 75% of the Time (3 replies)
- Broken fonts and per-kill sound in (7 replies)
- Ok... (9 replies)
- 10.1.1B Login bug (1 replies)
- D3D Com.Error and PS2 CTD (9 replies)
- Unable to get "real time" tracking, am forced to click "update session" (6 replies)
- Achievements bugged out on me. (0 replies)
- It suddenly stopped working (1 replies)
- PS2 Name Change - RTST lost. (5 replies)
- Decimation: doesn't work with black/golden decimator (2 replies)
- Lumine Edge knife kills reporting as 'Scorpius' (1 replies)
- Icikill isn't registered as a knife for the knife achievement (1 replies)
- RTST won't connect to the Tracker/Game API (3 replies)
- rtst wont work (0 replies)
- Weird issue, text misaligned in Recursion Achievement Options (1 replies)
- Fix for PS2 Crash at 5% (1 replies)
- Start Session -> changes game to Windowed Mode from Full Screen (1 replies)
- RTST Detroying my FPS (1 replies)
- Killed SOE dev, but no achievement (4 replies)
- Batman Didn't Register? (3 replies)
- Planetside crashes if recursion is running first (12 replies)
- Not able to log into new account (4 replies)
- I am not able to login to my new account (1 replies)
- Not Abel to register (10 replies)
- could not connect (5 replies)
- Scrpted Cheater Bug - Beta 10 (4 replies)
- Error: Socket Timeout (0 replies)
- Non 1920x1080 streaming overlay? (1 replies)
- Error:socket_timeout (3 replies)
- Beta 10 - Achievements showing as white boxes (2 replies)
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