View Full Version : Beta 10 Feedback
11-07-2014, 10:53 AM
1. When running it during the server migration on 11/06 I noticed that there is no timeout when attempting to log in and no exit button while it's trying to connect. Had to kill the program with windows task manager.
2. The [Overlay]->[More Overlays] menu option opens your browser and takes you to the overlays section of these forums, which is fine, but it would be helpful to let users know that it was going to do something like that. Even something as simple as changing the name to [Get More Overlays] would be a good indicator.
3. The [Tools]->[Components] menu option seems to be redundant with [Options] as it opens up the same window but defaults to a different tab.
4. This is the first version that has been able to display anything over top of the game on my system! ( I currently get the RTST X.XX% (CPU usage indicator?) in the bottom left as well as achievement pop-ups and the statistics window. However, the main overlay still doesn't work, although it no longer causes PS2 to crash on launch. Instead I get this error:
(Yes, my redistributables are installed)
My next plan is to see if I can port my Space Marines Mk.II voicepack ( into the new format. If there's anything else in particular you want me to look into, let me know here or via PM.
11-07-2014, 12:09 PM
Voice pack port appears to have worked, but if someone else with Beta 10 wants to give it a try, here's the link (
Things to note about the voice pack system:
1. Looks like priority hasn't been assigned yet. I assume that means which sounds will play over others because they are more significant. Right now it's just in numerical order down the list.
2. The default sound for NICE_THINGS seems to be missing. (Description says Not done, so maybe you already know about that)
3. It's not possible for publishers to upload more than one sound file for the dynamic sound achievements. (PER_KILL, HEAD_SHOT, DEATH_INSULT, VIP_KILL, HOLY_SHIT, MAX_DOWN)
4. Consider increasing the dynamic sound # on PER_KILL to 5, as it will be the most commonly heard sound for those that use it and needs some diversity to keep things interesting.
5. Consider adding a dynamic sound # of 2-3 on RECURSION, as you hear an awful lot of it before you get to RECURSIVE_RECURSION, even if you're only dominating one enemy.
6. Consider adding a dynamic sound # of 2 on the low end kill streaks and multi-kills: KILLING_SPREE, DOMINATING, DOUBLE_KILL, TRIPLE_KILL as they are also reasonably common for the type of player who uses RTST ;)
7. Consider making dynamic sound operate on a rotation system or at least not choose the same sound as it had most recently played, instead of being random.
Notes for voice pack publishers who want to update their voice packs:
Dynamic sound added: PER_KILL (3, now combines EXCELLENT, OUTSTANDING, SUPERB), HEAD_SHOT(3), DEATH_INSULT(3), VIP_KILL(2), HOLY_SHIT(4, now combines HOLY_SHIT and HOLY_SHIT_2)
11-07-2014, 01:20 PM
1. When running it during the server migration on 11/06 I noticed that there is no timeout when attempting to log in and no exit button while it's trying to connect. Had to kill the program with windows task manager.
Good catch.
2. The [Overlay]->[More Overlays] menu option opens your browser and takes you to the overlays section of these forums, which is fine, but it would be helpful to let users know that it was going to do something like that. Even something as simple as changing the name to [Get More Overlays] would be a good indicator.
Yeah, plus the forums only contain streaming overlays, although hopefully it will include in-game overlays soon. Changing the achievement background in voice pack options is just the start.
3. The [Tools]->[Components] menu option seems to be redundant with [Options] as it opens up the same window but defaults to a different tab.
That's all it's supposed to do. Eventually changing components and their eventual options may me more frequent and it's just to save a step. Let me know if you have any suggestions on that.
4. This is the first version that has been able to display anything over top of the game on my system! ( I currently get the RTST X.XX% (CPU usage indicator?) in the bottom left as well as achievement pop-ups and the statistics window. However, the main overlay still doesn't work, although it no longer causes PS2 to crash on launch. Instead I get this error:
(Yes, my redistributables are installed)
The main HUD overlay is not available yet, although it is mostly working in my development build. Hopefully we can get it out this weekend. Can you recreate that error consistently though? I'd like to fix it. Oh, and it's awesome that it works for you now!
1. Looks like priority hasn't been assigned yet. I assume that means which sounds will play over others because they are more significant. Right now it's just in numerical order down the list.
The list is ordered based on priority. There are more rules to it though, such as the group they fall in. Eventually we will put together documentation on it.
2. The default sound for NICE_THINGS seems to be missing. (Description says Not done, so maybe you already know about that)
The trigger conditions should be missing too, as it's not finished! Also to note as of right now VIP related ones are not functional, but they are working in development builds. There are also a lot more achievements we have coming, but the priority is to get the client stable first.
3. It's not possible for publishers to upload more than one sound file for the dynamic sound achievements. (PER_KILL, HEAD_SHOT, DEATH_INSULT, VIP_KILL, HOLY_SHIT, MAX_DOWN)
4. Consider increasing the dynamic sound # on PER_KILL to 5, as it will be the most commonly heard sound for those that use it and needs some diversity to keep things interesting.
5. Consider adding a dynamic sound # of 2-3 on RECURSION, as you hear an awful lot of it before you get to RECURSIVE_RECURSION, even if you're only dominating one enemy.
6. Consider adding a dynamic sound # of 2 on the low end kill streaks and multi-kills: KILLING_SPREE, DOMINATING, DOUBLE_KILL, TRIPLE_KILL as they are also reasonably common for the type of player who uses RTST
7. Consider making dynamic sound operate on a rotation system or at least not choose the same sound as it had most recently played, instead of being random.
The number for dynamic sounds is just how many sound files the achievement has loaded. To play a dynamic sound runs a lua script, which is usually just a random number returning the index to play. One of the first development tools we want to include is the ability to modify the dynamic sounds and the scripts which plays them so voice pack creators have more direct control of each achievement without modifying the achievement conditions themselves. This means you could load in 10 different sound files for Repeat Customer and play them depending on say the enemy battle rank.
Thank you for taking the time post this. The more information we receive the more it helps development.
11-08-2014, 09:24 PM
Alright, just pushed an update which has the HUD again. You'll need to load it under components. There's going to be a Getting Started page eventually which will make turning on/off the HUD and overlays easier.
I also made some of the other changes you suggested. I would still like more information on that error you're getting with DirectX.
11-09-2014, 06:28 PM
For some reason, the first time I tried to run RTST after updating, it caused PS2 to crash on launch. Since then I've been able to get it working consistently as long as I have RTST running first. I tried loading the HUD component and it appears to be working as expected.
Regarding the error prompt, the only thing I didn't mention is that it only appears after PS2 is launched successfully and RTST first displays something in game.
11-10-2014, 08:41 PM
For some reason, the first time I tried to run RTST after updating, it caused PS2 to crash on launch. Since then I've been able to get it working consistently as long as I have RTST running first. I tried loading the HUD component and it appears to be working as expected.
Regarding the error prompt, the only thing I didn't mention is that it only appears after PS2 is launched successfully and RTST first displays something in game.
Do you see the new start-up message in-game? It should say Recursion Real-Time Stat Tracker and play an animation. If not then I think your issue is with our new animated textures.
11-10-2014, 09:02 PM
Do you see the new start-up message in-game? It should say Recursion Real-Time Stat Tracker and play an animation. If not then I think your issue is with our new animated textures.
Haven't seen anything like that, no.
11-17-2014, 01:01 PM
Something else that's started happening recently:
If I have the overlay turned on when I launch PS2 and it crashes immediately, sometimes my desktop resolution switches to my in game PS2 resolution right before PS2 crashes. Don't know if that helps at all.
EDIT: I'm now having a lot of trouble getting the in game overlay working at all. (Again)
11-21-2014, 07:07 AM
Version is working again! Thanks guys.
11-30-2014, 06:14 PM
After finishing a session, when trying to drag the slider on the killboard, it seems to get stuck for a half second on each page. This gets less and less frequent until eventually it's smooth. I think it has a delay on loading each entry, because after you traverse the whole list it will scroll as fast as you want.
01-10-2015, 12:54 PM
Harvester achievement didn't seem to trigger properly for me while running beta 10.
Session data:
01-10-2015, 12:58 PM
Yeah, there's definitely an issue with some achievement tracking, possibly related to online/offline events interfering with tracking, but we're not sure. Those can be displayed by changing the eventboard filters. If you can ever reproduce it with a screenshot that could help.
After we push out 10.1 which has the new update system, achievements will likely be one of the next fixes. How has the overlay been working for you?
01-10-2015, 01:03 PM
How has the overlay been working for you?
It's been hit and miss. About 90% of the time I can get it to work, other times I cannot but I have absolutely no idea what's causing issues. I've had it fail straight after a reboot with no other programs running, and succeed with something running that I previously believed was causing the crash. If I see any pattern, I'll let you know.
Edit: If you want me to switch back to logging dlls, I can do that as well.
01-24-2015, 04:34 PM
Past two weeks have been very stable. No crash on launch. Only thing I've noticed is that the ingame overlay goes missing after about 2-3 hours. Alt-tabbing seems to make it happen sooner. If it happens earlier in the session it has a fair chance of coming back.
01-25-2015, 10:27 AM
I appreciate the constant feedback, Rhino.
Hopefully we can start getting improvements to the overlay out faster with the new update system.
02-03-2015, 03:59 PM
The updater and executable for 10.1.3 were flagged as a potential threat by ESET antivirus, FYI.
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