View Full Version : Scrimmage with 00! Tonight!?
11-18-2014, 01:40 PM
Greetings from Total Recoil. I wanted to say thanks for agreeing to scrimmage us tonight at 6:55pst. It's always fun to get to play you guys, and I promise that we'll try to make you all look really good on Twitch. :emot-razz:
More seriously, somehow I accidentally took over leadership of our competitive team. No, really. I...ok, finish laughing first. I'll wait. Alright. I'm trying to set up a much-improved practice schedule because this season's was...well, you've seen the standings. I'm hoping to get weekly scrimmages going with a variety of outfits from a wide range of skill-levels and you guys are at the top of my list. Our losses to TIW and DRED were unnecessary and it's gotten me pretty fired up.
I'm sure you've got a lot of offers already and may not see a whole lot to be gained from spending an evening head-shotting all of my guys, but we really learn a lot every time we play with you folks and I'm more than willing to work to find ways to make sure your team is getting something out of it too. If you've got the time and interest, please let me know and we'll set up something that's convenient for you guys.
I hope you'll agree; that looped .gif I made of Ghostmarauder eating my ML-7 isn't getting me to climax anymore. I need some fresh material. :emot-fappery:
I'm sorry, we have already filed a complaint about TxR when your guys crashed our scheduled practice on November 12th (and refused to leave). We have asked Tav to remove your Jaeger access following your elimination from Farmers League. I hope that you as the new leadership of the TxR competitive team will show more professionalism than your predecessor did as having mid season roster changes was hurtful to the tournament as a whole; that exception had to be made for TxR does not inspire confidence in your ability to thrive in this setting. Recursion will not be available to scrimmage TxR in any capacity. Thank you for visiting our forums.
11-18-2014, 02:46 PM
I'm not sure if I'm being expertly trolled here or not...
I'll respond twice where necessary to be sure.
I'm sorry, we have already filed a complaint about TxR when your guys crashed our scheduled practice on November 13th (and refused to leave). We have asked Tav to remove your Jaeger access following your elimination from Farmers League.
If Serious: 11/13/2014 was our match with TIW, so I don't think we crashed any practices that night. We did sort of crash your practice last night (11/17/2014) to scrim with AC, but we were told you guys were doing other things and agreed to leave when your team changed its mind and needed the facility. Not sure about the details there, all my info was coming through AC...though you guys didn't seem upset at the time.
If trolling: All practice conflicts on 11/13/2014 are the responsibility of the tournament organizers and in no way constitute consent on the part of Total Recoil. Total Recoil maintains that we were roofied and were suffering from diminished capacity on the night in question and thus were unable to give consent for the violent sexual activity that was subsequently broadcast live on the internet. Just because we dress a certain way does not mean we are easy or deserve to be violated so publicly.
I hope that you as the new leadership of the TxR competitive team will show more professionalism than your predecessor did...
If trolling: Hi, I'm Magnifiscent. I don't believe we've met. I like long walks on the beach and getting railed during PS2 competitions.
If serious: Hi, I'm Magnifiscent. I don't believe we've met. I like long walks on the beach and getting railed during PS2 competitions.
as having mid season roster changes was hurtful to the tournament as a whole;
If trolling: If you think that was bad, just count yourself lucky my mid-season player exchange with FCRW wasn't approved. I'd have taken that team to a whole new level and really shaken up the play-offs.
If serious: No. You're trolling me. Aren't you?
that exception had to be made for TxR does not inspire confidence in your ability to thrive in this setting.
I would think my 0.1 KDR against Future Crew would be more telling than anything else, but yeah. Ouch. You got us.
Recursion will not be available to scrimmage TxR in any capacity.
Honestly, this is the only answer I really expected for reasons previously given, but I was under the impression our relationship was better off than that and we might find a way to make a scrimmage useful to you. You know, like if your team wanted to learn to use their mouse in their off-hands or use the keyboard with their feet or something. That hurts though, man. I thought we were friends from that way you said "Hi" to us once in the hallway after 5th period. We could have been best friends. I built this pokemon deck specially for you.
Thank you for visiting our forums.
Always a pleasure. Thanks for not making me apply again just to make a post. Boy was that embarrassing the first time. I take all my [00] applications very seriously and oh my goodness, I've actually got an updated application here with me right now. Shall I leave it with you, or just put it directly in Lythica's Special Bin on my way out as usual?
Apologies the night in question was November 12th 7:32 PM PST, not the 13th as stated in the complaint that we actually sent to Tav.
11-18-2014, 04:35 PM
Apologies the night in question was November 12th 7:32 PM PST, not the 13th as stated in the complaint that we actually sent to Tav.
That' I can't speak to what happened because I wasn't there that night, but ok, yeah, you were serious. I'm not entirely sure how to actually respond in this case.
I guess my only real question is:
Recursion will not be available to scrimmage TxR in any capacity.
Does this mean you guys are going to forfeit tonight? :)
Assuming not, I'm still looking forward to playing with your guys later. If a mid-season roster switch removing 6 quitters hurt the entire tournament as you say, I can only imagine what playing against our last-minute ringers (myself) will do to upset the standings at the last minute. Something tells me your endorsement deal with Nike is still secure, though. :taunt:
Best of luck tonight, I do hold your group in the highest regard. Maybe someday soon we'll be able to move past this great wrong that was done to you.
You guys really do have the best emoticons. Practically all my favorite emotions were represented. ;)
Tonight is not a scrimmage
1. scrim·mage noun \ˈskri-mij\: an informal game that is played for practice : a game that is not official
Tonight is a match that is official to Farmer's League the score and outcome will be recorded.
Exploding Fist
11-18-2014, 06:47 PM
Good match.
It's a shame and a surprise to see that go down that night. We didn't realize at all that there were that many hard feelings towards us from your group that you'd go so far crashing a scheduled and reserved practice on a private server. We sincerely hope it the feelings are not shared from everyone in your outfit, but as for your competitive team (since it was their test server accounts that did it), we'd obviously rationally not co-operate with them in the near future.
11-18-2014, 08:09 PM
First of all, gg to all 00 involved in tonight's match.
We had a blast, well played and good luck to you guys in the playoffs.
As to the practice we "intruded" on the 13th. It was literally 5 minutes until your practice time was up that we practiced on the base. We did not go anywhere near the base and practiced on our own in a different part of the map that had no interference on your scrim.
Ghost informed me that you guys had spent 45 minutes back capping so you could have adjacency towards the base? I can understand the frustration of trying to scrim but in no way besides yell chat to did TXR interfere in your affairs.
As for the one person from TXR who did instigate on rude comments he was kicked from teamspeak and banned for the remainder of competitive play.
Please Sayl get off your high horse and stop being dramatic. There was no need to send an email to Tav and no reason to low blow us after a failed merge with Forsosh from OP4. You want to show class and be respectful? Start leading by example.
Mags came on here to settle the peace and show you guys respect which in turn you low blowing TXR on farmer's league and everything else was just stupid and immature.
Again, good luck to you guys in the playoffs.
I will be rooting for a few key members of you're outfit who have my respect and they already know who they are.
11-19-2014, 07:42 AM
Good match.
It's a shame and a surprise to see that go down that night. We didn't realize at all that there were that many hard feelings towards us from your group that you'd go so far crashing a scheduled and reserved practice on a private server. We sincerely hope it the feelings are not shared from everyone in your outfit, but as for your competitive team (since it was their test server accounts that did it), we'd obviously rationally not co-operate with them in the near future.
As far as I know there are no hard feelings at all from our end. I've never heard a negative thing said about [00] around our house that wasn't said in the spirit of good fun, which is why this whole thing caught me off guard. For two years we've had a great relationship and I have a lot of respect for every one of your players that I've ever interacted with. I plan to continue on in that tradition rather than letting this hiccup color our future interactions. If you guys feel differently...well, it's certainly up to you who you want to be friendly with. I'll just pretend we're still friends, but you're keeping it on the DL so people don't think you're nerds too.
That said, I'm not going to be hanging around trying to convince you guys to come over after school to hang out. I think we understand each other pretty well at this point. We've made what apologies we can. We've made our continued respect and friendly intentions clear. If you guys decide there is some value in interacting with us or you just want to bump your KDR a bit, you know where to find us. We'll have that special pokemon deck ready to go. If not, no hard feelings and thanks for all the fish.
Tonight is not a scrimmage
1. scrim·mage noun \ˈskri-mij\: an informal game that is played for practice : a game that is not official
Tonight is a match that is official to Farmer's League the score and outcome will be recorded.
That's why I love you Sayl, always with the clever joking. This crazy guy, am I right? It's probably a good thing you guys keep rejecting my applications. The two of us together in the same outfit? Forget about it, we'd never get anything serious done again. :emot-razz:
It was a great game last night. Wish I could have participated, but I took your concerns about our roster change to heart and sat out. Honestly, though, I think it worked against you in the end. I gave up a net -54 points to FCRW. You guys might have hit 400 if I'd been playing. Anyway, I'm looking forward to the next time someone forces you to play with us. If you see Datablue or Osyrix around your TS please give them my warmest regards. I really miss flying against them, even if it was only for a few seconds at a time.
First of all, gg to all 00 involved in tonight's match.
We had a blast, well played and good luck to you guys in the playoffs.
As to the practice we "intruded" on the 13th. It was literally 5 minutes until your practice time was up that we practiced on the base. We did not go anywhere near the base and practiced on our own in a different part of the map that had no interference on your scrim.
Ghost informed me that you guys had spent 45 minutes back capping so you could have adjacency towards the base? I can understand the frustration of trying to scrim but in no way besides yell chat to did TXR interfere in your affairs.
As for the one person from TXR who did instigate on rude comments he was kicked from teamspeak and banned for the remainder of competitive play.
Please Sayl get off your high horse and stop being dramatic. There was no need to send an email to Tav and no reason to low blow us after a failed merge with Forsosh from OP4. You want to show class and be respectful? Start leading by example.
Mags came on here to settle the peace and show you guys respect which in turn you low blowing TXR on farmer's league and everything else was just stupid and immature.
Again, good luck to you guys in the playoffs.
I will be rooting for a few key members of you're outfit who have my respect and they already know who they are.
There are a few false statements here, first off you intruded on approximately 30 minutes of our practice (which is half of a reservation), secondly Ghost must have been mistaken because we never capped the bases Tav logged on and flipped them which he himself can confirm. Thirdly TxR was very much not at another base as this screenshot at the time in question confirms
There are other reasons why we declined TxR's invitation if you do not recall our first ever "scrim" was with TxR in which your guys were both late and ill prepared, there are other reasons besides this incident why we have no interest in engaging with scrims with TxR, some others in which mags touched on.
I'm sorry that you view my statement of fact as a "low blow", it is to me a clear pattern from engaging with TxR that it would not be gainful for our outfit, so we will respectfully decline. As the person in charge of our scrim team this is my call to make. As for "leading by example" I think Recursion has made a great example of itself we are always prepared, we are never late, and we have hit the ground running in the tournament despite having less experience than most of the other outfits in the league. We have also improved our relationship with the competitive community, we appreciate your and mags apology about the particular incident, we have till mags post moved on from this and I hope TxR will as well. We thank you for your support of our team, especially from a fellow Connery outfit if you would like to speak to me privately about some of things in which you have stated about me, I would be open to address them in private messages.
Exploding Fist
11-19-2014, 09:29 AM
As far as I know there are no hard feelings at all from our end. I've never heard a negative thing said about [00] around our house that wasn't said in the spirit of good fun, which is why this whole thing caught me off guard. For two years we've had a great relationship and I have a lot of respect for every one of your players that I've ever interacted with. I plan to continue on in that tradition rather than letting this hiccup color our future interactions. If you guys feel differently...well, it's certainly up to you who you want to be friendly with. I'll just pretend we're still friends, but you're keeping it on the DL so people don't think you're nerds too.
That said, I'm not going to be hanging around trying to convince you guys to come over after school to hang out. I think we understand each other pretty well at this point. We've made what apologies we can. We've made our continued respect and friendly intentions clear. If you guys decide there is some value in interacting with us or you just want to bump your KDR a bit, you know where to find us. We'll have that special pokemon deck ready to go. If not, no hard feelings and thanks for all the fish.
It's important to state that anything said is nothing personal against yourself or Talron. What happened has no affect on live play, and will eventually be forgotten, but from a 'competitive' stand-point it is still fairly fresh in our minds. We really don't like dealing with drama, which is why we'd rather avoid putting ourselves into situations likely to catalyse it. Luckily we have a very talented pool of Recursion to throw at our team, drama free.
We appreciate your partially sincere response. That said, I've never known Sayl to crack a joke or troll. The man is a stone cold booty warrior.
11-19-2014, 10:24 AM
We appreciate your partially sincere response.
Nothing partial about it man. Any joking on my part is intended to convey only that I'm being completely humble, rather than trying to communicate that I don't respect the sincerity of your position.
Good fucking lord Sayl. I'm starting to wonder if we're going to need to hire a lawyer to handle the impending lawsuit. Is there a formal duel in the future? Should I be brushing up on my sword play? Pistols? Dawn is a bit early for me; I've never been a morning person.
Listen man, I'm not one of those trolls that try to say 'lol it's just a game' when another player gets upset, but I'm coming really close to feeling the need to say it here for the sake of propriety. I've been making a lot of false assumptions lately, and I'm starting to wonder if we're on the same page as far as what the purpose of all of this is.
As someone who makes statements like:
having mid season roster changes was hurtful to the tournament as a whole;
that exception had to be made for TxR does not inspire confidence in your ability to thrive in this setting.
you seem to be taking yourself awfully seriously. Those statements are literally what convinced me I was being trolled by your first reply. I really only encounter irony that obvious in fiction or in jest. Not to imply that I'm making any sort of judgement here. God knows I've said my share of ridiculous things out of total sincerity. That's mostly why I stick to joking around these days. If I start at ridiculous...well, no where to go but up, right?
I do apologize for wasting your time, both recently and (apparently) in the past. I think I'm starting to realize I have profoundly misunderstood the nature of our relationship. I feel like I just popped out of my rabbit hole to realize I took a wrong turn at Albuquerque. I'm going to try to slowly slip out the exit and find my way back to the game-playing side of the internet.
Best of luck to you guys in the future. When you guys make it to the pros, I'm sure I'll wear your merchandise, but I'll be less enthusiastic about it than I would have been otherwise.
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