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View Full Version : It suddenly stopped working

01-15-2015, 05:35 AM
The recursion overlay suddenly stopped working with the little patch they did Wednesday the 14th for Planetside 2. It is still running in the background, still tracking everything, and still playing the sound queues, but the actual overlay part refuses to show up in-game, even toggling it off and on and trying in DirectX mode and all of that.

User name for it is the same as my forum name.

Using Windows 7 with the latest updates, using the latest version of Recursion.

I patched the game and it went from working 100% fine to simply not showing up in PS2, but otherwise working.

Thank you for any help you could render on this, and I thoroughly enjoy the Overlay itself.

01-15-2015, 05:36 AM
Same here, same problem