View Full Version : [Voice Pack] PooNanners Voice Pack!
02-22-2015, 02:51 PM
You know him! You love him! By popular demand, I present you the Official PooNanners Recursion Stat Tracker Voice Pack!
Voices all done by your favorite Planetside 2 announcer PooNanners! Check out his website and social links here:
Writing done by Killah and PooNanners
Editing done by Killah
And Special Thanks to Reddit User nimofitze
How to install:
(Version 0.10)
Copy and paste the "PooNannersBG.png" file into your "\RealTimeStatTracker" folder.
Copy and paste the "PooNannersBETA10.rtst_vpk" files into your "\RealTimeStatTracker\VoicePacks" folder.
Note: 2 files in 2 different locations
Launch the Stat Tracker application.
Go to Tools >Options >Audio >Load >Open the "Voicepacks" folder >Select and Open the "PooNannersBETA10.rtst_vpk" File and save.
MediaFire Mirror:
Version 0.9(2/22/15):
Any constructive comments, suggestions and feedback are always appreciated!
If mediafire download doesn't work for you let me know in the comments.
Videos Showcasing the Voicepack:
If you wish to contribute and upload a video showcasing the voicepack please do so. Post the link on this thread and I will edit it on the main post. <3
(Music not included in the actual voicepack)
Exploding Fist
02-22-2015, 03:18 PM
Holy fuck that's amazing!
Since this is all original content, I've rehosted it for you here:
Feel free to use that link when distributing. ALso, the beta version should be back compatible with V9 voice packs. I'll take a look at this later. Did you notice something that didn't work, or didn't try it?
02-22-2015, 03:22 PM
Thanks Fist! We have TONS of back up call outs ready for them dynamic call outs ;D ;D ;D. Just gimi dem tools pronto!
02-22-2015, 03:48 PM
ALso, the beta version should be back compatible with V9 voice packs. I'll take a look at this later. Did you notice something that didn't work, or didn't try it?
To be more specific. Yes, it will work in the beta, but only kinda. It frustrates me that I can't change the single kill call outs to something other than one single call out. Me and PooNanners made tons of extra call outs for the new ones in the beta, but it's just that I am not comfortable with the beta because I can't edit the dynamic call outs. I have also tried to have some streamers with the RST beta test my voicepacks but it's been super frustrating because they keep having crashes with it. When one complained about the lack of single kill call outs it really hurt me. Not cause he was trying to be mean, but because I realized if I were to release a beta version like I did with the arnold voice pack it would feel incomplete. It just wouldn't do it justice.
Edit: To be more specific about the crashes. Whenever the streamers enabled the streaming overlay it would crash their planetside client a little into the session or sometimes just right away.
02-22-2015, 04:06 PM
Would allowing multiple sound files per achievement, then having a script you can edit to determine which file to play interest you? You could even have faction based achievements this way (or any other rules). There may be a bit of a learning curve but this would allow a lot of functionality.
02-22-2015, 04:16 PM
Would allowing multiple sound files per achievement, then having a script you can edit to determine which file to play interest you? You could even have faction based achievements this way (or any other rules). There may be a bit of a learning curve but this would allow a lot of functionality.
Yes, I am new to scripting but I am also not 100% unfamiliar with it. I though you guys hadn't YET released editing tools for the new features (like dynamic announcements) and that I have to wait. If I do get my hands on learning how to do dynamic achievements like you mentioned then I don't mind sitting down, learning and reading a bunch. I have PooNanners contact info so we can do even more call outs if need be.
02-22-2015, 04:27 PM
We would still have to implement this feature for custom voice packs. But we have a lot of that functionality finished, so it shouldn't take long.
02-22-2015, 04:48 PM
We would still have to implement this feature for custom voice packs. But we have a lot of that functionality finished, so it shouldn't take long.
Thanks for the info. As soon as the new features and editing tools are ready I will be all over them.
02-25-2015, 12:34 AM
Thanks for the info. As soon as the new features and editing tools are ready I will be all over them. now has dynamic sounds.
What we did was allow any achievement to have any number of dynamic sounds. One will be selected at random during achievement execution. Which is pretty much exactly what our script does for the built in achievement sounds. If no dynamic sounds are present then the regular sound file you have chosen plays. There have also been some general fixes to the editor including not previewing some sounds properly if published on Beta 10.
We decided to hold off on opening up any scripting for now. We want to launch beta 10 to everyone in under two weeks and adding something like this in now could easily delay us with a bunch of new problems, even if the framework is mostly done.
Anyway, please give this a test and let us know what you think. The more feedback we get before the weekend of March 7th, the better.
02-25-2015, 04:26 PM now has dynamic sounds.
What we did was allow any achievement to have any number of dynamic sounds. One will be selected at random during achievement execution. Which is pretty much exactly what our script does for the built in achievement sounds. If no dynamic sounds are present then the regular sound file you have chosen plays. There have also been some general fixes to the editor including not previewing some sounds properly if published on Beta 10.
We decided to hold off on opening up any scripting for now. We want to launch beta 10 to everyone in under two weeks and adding something like this in now could easily delay us with a bunch of new problems, even if the framework is mostly done.
Anyway, please give this a test and let us know what you think. The more feedback we get before the weekend of March 7th, the better.
Thanks. I will take a look at it right now. Should I post feedback here or make a new thread elsewhere?
02-25-2015, 05:03 PM
Thanks. I will take a look at it right now. Should I post feedback here or make a new thread elsewhere?
Add it to the one beta 10 feed back threads.
02-28-2015, 09:03 PM
With the latest updates to beta client I have been able to release a 0.10 version of this voice pack!
Get it here:
I have added several missing call outs, reworked some I wasn't happy with and added dynamic call outs to the more common achievements. Tip: You should try and kill 5 friendlies within a short amount of time... But don't try TOO hard. ;D
03-05-2015, 05:18 AM
Its not working to me (beta 10). Pack is loaded but it's not playing any sound.
03-05-2015, 06:31 AM
Its not working to me (beta 10). Pack is loaded but it's not playing any sound.
Could you be more specific please? Are sounds not playing in the preview or in game? Are the achievements been showed in game but no call out is played? Is the RST tracking your events in the event board? Did you made sure you placed the right file in the right location?
03-05-2015, 09:32 PM
Just tried the new beta 10 version, nice work on the dynamic sounds man!
The custom achievement background shows up in-game (where it matters), all though not in the preview display under options, that may be a small bug I'll have to fix.
I noticed the read me has some extra directions which may be sparr's problem. Under audio options, in the Voice Packs section, you just have to press Load, then choose the voicepack.
03-06-2015, 08:24 AM
Thank you for the info. I wasn't sure if I had messed something up with the upload or something. Everything seemed fine on my end.
But yeah... I just noticed where I messed up with the Read Me. I was kinda tired at the time, most likely some wires got crossed on my head when I wrote that. Ah crap. I will edit the post and the upload. God dammit. This is SO my fault...
03-08-2015, 08:10 AM
Could you be more specific please? Are sounds not playing in the preview or in game? Are the achievements been showed in game but no call out is played? Is the RST tracking your events in the event board? Did you made sure you placed the right file in the right location?
I believe I have a similar issue where the pack is loaded but nothing plays.
No sounds in game or in preview. Achievements are shown and the event tracker is working. I believe everything is in the right place (see screenshot below). I can manually play the sounds files in PooNannersVPK\* through VLC player and other voice packs do work fine (I tested default and Tiny Tina). I'm on version 10.2.5.
03-08-2015, 11:44 AM
I noticed that the "PooNannersBETA10.rtst_vpk" is on the wrong location and that you are also missing the custom background .png file. Also noted that the old files from previous versions are no longer needed. They can be deleted, but really it shouldn't mess with the new version. Maybe you got a bit confused with the old and new files mixed.
Remember when you load the new version that you specifically load the "PooNannersBETA10.rtst_vpk" that should be placed/located inside the "VoicePacks" folder. Let me know if it still doesn't work for you. But hopefully this will sort out the issues.
Edit: In 0.10 version the ".rtst_vpk" files contain all the sound files. So the folder containing the sound files from older versions is no longer needed. It's all in one basically.
03-09-2015, 07:42 AM
I noticed that the "PooNannersBETA10.rtst_vpk" is on the wrong location and that you are also missing the custom background .png file. Also noted that the old files from previous versions are no longer needed. They can be deleted, but really it shouldn't mess with the new version. Maybe you got a bit confused with the old and new files mixed.
Remember when you load the new version that you specifically load the "PooNannersBETA10.rtst_vpk" that should be placed/located inside the "VoicePacks" folder. Let me know if it still doesn't work for you. But hopefully this will sort out the issues.
Edit: In 0.10 version the ".rtst_vpk" files contain all the sound files. So the folder containing the sound files from older versions is no longer needed. It's all in one basically.
Hey thanks for the response. So I moved PooNannersBETA10.rtst_vpk to the voicepacks folder and moved poonannersBG.png to \realtimestattracker. I reloaded the voicepack and still nothing, same behavior as before. The earlier version of the voicepack didn't work for me either though I assumed that was because I was on the beta version of RTST.
After a little more digging it looks like RTST is not loading any voicepacks including the default one and is stuck on the non-beta version of the poonanners voicepack (which is deleted and never worked for me).
03-09-2015, 10:14 AM
Hey thanks for the response. So I moved PooNannersBETA10.rtst_vpk to the voicepacks folder and moved poonannersBG.png to \realtimestattracker. I reloaded the voicepack and still nothing, same behavior as before. The earlier version of the voicepack didn't work for me either though I assumed that was because I was on the beta version of RTST.
After a little more digging it looks like RTST is not loading any voicepacks including the default one and is stuck on the non-beta version of the poonanners voicepack (which is deleted and never worked for me).
That's interesting and if that's the case we will need to fix that. I want to make sure of the sequence of events here: You go to Tools->Options->Audio->Load then you are selecting the rtst_vpk that is the larger file size?
(The extension is the same from version 9, but the file is a different format. The idea behind that was for easier backwards-compatibility, since Beta 10 will still understand the old format, providing the original sound files are there)
If that isn't working, open up the voice pack configuration options and choose File->New. That should reload the original settings contained in our Achievements component. Then test to make sure the default sounds play, and try reloading the custom voice pack with the steps described above.
03-09-2015, 11:23 AM
Hey thanks for the response. So I moved PooNannersBETA10.rtst_vpk to the voicepacks folder and moved poonannersBG.png to \realtimestattracker. I reloaded the voicepack and still nothing, same behavior as before. The earlier version of the voicepack didn't work for me either though I assumed that was because I was on the beta version of RTST.
Sorry for not answering earlier.
I have exactly the same issue with this voicepack as described (used one from this link and wherever I put it (main folder or voicepacks folder) result is the same - it's loaded but not playing at all (one strange thing also is that, when I press "preview" in any of the achievements there is no soind and RTST is unresponsive (frozen) for a couple seconds and I can't click nothing to exit configuration window).
SpaceMarinesMKII works great, so it is not a problem of RTST or my wrong loading procedure, but rather this voicepack
03-09-2015, 01:29 PM
I am lost here. I don't know anymore if this is an issue with the voicepack, an issue with the RST or an specific bug with your clients... I am totally out. Sparr try what Silencer asked and let him know if that works or not. I have ran out of ideas as to why this is happening...
Silencer, Fist pls halp
03-09-2015, 01:50 PM
I am lost here. I don't know anymore if this is an issue with the voicepack, an issue with the RST or an specific bug with your clients... I am totally out. Sparr try what Silencer asked and let him know if that works or not. I have ran out of ideas as to why this is happening...
Silencer, Fist pls halp
I just downloaded your pack unzipped it so its under VoicePacks / PooNannersVoicePackBETA10 / PooNannersBETA10.rtst_vpk and it works great.
Sparr, try the troubleshooting steps I mentioned earlier too.
03-10-2015, 06:30 PM
I am loading the 3.8KB file. I've tried it under \voicepacks and under \VoicePacks\PooNannersVoicePackBETA10.
If that isn't working, open up the voice pack configuration options and choose File->New. That should reload the original settings contained in our Achievements component. Then test to make sure the default sounds play, and try reloading the custom voice pack with the steps described above.
After doing File->New I was able to restore the default sounds but after that no matter which voicepack I try to load (tiny tina, default, poonanners), it always shows as having loaded the poonanners one.
Is there a way to uninstall rtst then reinstall?
03-10-2015, 07:15 PM
I am loading the 3.8KB file. I've tried it under \voicepacks and under \VoicePacks\PooNannersVoicePackBETA10.
After doing File->New I was able to restore the default sounds but after that no matter which voicepack I try to load (tiny tina, default, poonanners), it always shows as having loaded the poonanners one.
Is there a way to uninstall rtst then reinstall?
Try going under your recursion installation folder / settings and delete "AchievementSettings.xml" Launch RTST. Otherwise you can remove it under add/remove programs.
Exploding Fist
03-10-2015, 07:43 PM
03-10-2015, 08:17 PM
Ok so shit's about to get weird....
I reinstalled RTST using the latest 1025 installer.
Default voice worked.
Successfully loaded a tiny tina voice pack, everything worked fine.
Re-downloaded the poonanner voice pack from exploding fists link above and placed the rtst_vpk file under \voicepacks
When I try and load the poonanners voice pack, the Tiny Tina rtst_vpk file get modified (It's date modified value changes to be the current time).
The load of poonanners fails and I now cannot load the tiny tina voicpack either.
Replacing the tiny tina rtst_vpk file with the original from the download does allow the tiny tina voice pack to be loaded.
Is there a reason why loading the poonanners voice pack would cause other voice packs to be modified? (they aren't in the same folder)
03-10-2015, 09:28 PM
Ok so shit's about to get weird....
I reinstalled RTST using the latest 1025 installer.
Default voice worked.
Successfully loaded a tiny tina voice pack, everything worked fine.
Re-downloaded the poonanner voice pack from exploding fists link above and placed the rtst_vpk file under \voicepacks
When I try and load the poonanners voice pack, the Tiny Tina rtst_vpk file get modified (It's date modified value changes to be the current time).
The load of poonanners fails and I now cannot load the tiny tina voicpack either.
Replacing the tiny tina rtst_vpk file with the original from the download does allow the tiny tina voice pack to be loaded.
Is there a reason why loading the poonanners voice pack would cause other voice packs to be modified? (they aren't in the same folder)
Thank you for the detailed steps.
I was able to recreate that specific problem and believe I have it fixed. Could you update your client and check?
03-11-2015, 05:17 AM
Added link to main post. Thanks.
03-11-2015, 08:17 AM
Thank you for the detailed steps.
I was able to recreate that specific problem and believe I have it fixed. Could you update your client and check?
I updated the client and am still seeing the same behavior.
03-11-2015, 08:45 AM
I updated the client and am still seeing the same behavior.
Those voicepacks may have been unintentionally modified due to that bug. Can you replace them with fresh copies?
03-12-2015, 09:02 AM
I redownloaded everything including RTST and still saw the same behavior. I've tried the voicepack under \voicepacks and \voicepacks\poonannersbeta10.
03-12-2015, 11:15 AM
Thanks for trying, I'll revisit this code tonight.
03-19-2015, 07:44 PM
Okay, I think I have a fix for this now. It will be in our next update along with some other voice pack fixes.
01-18-2016, 05:30 PM
I am finally complete. Now I'm actually looking forward to dying six times in a row. That eagle is killing it every time :emot-razz:
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