View Full Version : Ingame HUD not working
04-06-2015, 10:38 AM
Your OS and version: Windows 8.1 x64
The version of RTST:
Everithing works fine exept the in game HUD.
I hera the voice call outs and the stats are all listet in the program but when i press the hotkeys in game nothin happens and i cant see the HUD
I have the ovelay set to auto
Turning on the overlay with launcher console states:
Starting search... size:2232320
vTable not found.
Failed compatibility test. RTST should be started prior to launching PS2.
Console display for RTST PS2 DLL injector.
To turn this display off go under
Tools-Options-Configure and uncheck Launcher Window
rtst_d3doverlay_x64.ddl loaded.
Install Hooks Function found.
Attempting hook-- try count: 3.
Hook ready
It allways states this no mather if PS2 is already running or not.
Running PS2 and Recursion in Admin mode doesent help
Im running PS2 in Fullscreen but it also doesen't work in Window or Fulscreen Window mode
I have Planetside and Recursion not in the defult /Program folder if that is an issue
This is the first time i use RTST
Sorry for bad english it's not my first or second language
04-06-2015, 01:17 PM
Under tools components are any loaded? Try resetting defaults.
Do you have any other software which might interfere? Such as obs or fraps you can try disabling?
04-07-2015, 02:59 AM
Never canged any of the components. I used the 'load default' tool but it still doesent work.
I only have PS2 and RTST active
I redownloadet it but that didden't help either
04-07-2015, 03:18 PM
Go under tools options and check Beta Participation, then help update. I gave you access to our current development build to see if that makes any difference.
04-07-2015, 05:44 PM
Go under tools options and check Beta Participation, then help update. I gave you access to our current development build to see if that makes any difference.
I have been following the various threads about the HUD not working as I'm in the same boat. Never understood why the Beta wouldn't download for me but this answers it. Didn't know you had to be approved to receive it.
I have used RTST for several months and it used to work flawlessly, including the HUD. I lost the HUD after one of the PS2 patches just like several other players.
Your OS and version: Windows 7 x64
The version of RTST:
I've tried all the suggestions listed in the forums with no success. Full screen, windowed mode, start PS2 first, start RTST first, both in admin mode, legacy hooks, reset defaults, reinstall, change hotkeys for HUD and try in game. Nothing works.
I have FRAPS, Steam and Raptr which all use overlays. I disabled all of them and still no HUD.
Like many others, I hear all the sounds and I can Alt-Tab and see all the stats tracking, just no HUD.
I'm willing to give any beta builds a try if you don't mind.
Thanks for this wonderful program!
04-07-2015, 06:02 PM
I have been following the various threads about the HUD not working as I'm in the same boat. Never understood why the Beta wouldn't download for me but this answers it. Didn't know you had to be approved to receive it.
I have used RTST for several months and it used to work flawlessly, including the HUD. I lost the HUD after one of the PS2 patches just like several other players.
Your OS and version: Windows 7 x64
The version of RTST:
I've tried all the suggestions listed in the forums with no success. Full screen, windowed mode, start PS2 first, start RTST first, both in admin mode, legacy hooks, reset defaults, reinstall, change hotkeys for HUD and try in game. Nothing works.
I have FRAPS, Steam and Raptr which all use overlays. I disabled all of them and still no HUD.
Like many others, I hear all the sounds and I can Alt-Tab and see all the stats tracking, just no HUD.
I'm willing to give any beta builds a try if you don't mind.
Thanks for this wonderful program!
I gave you access. Please let me know if there is any change. My steam is lllSilencerlll (Ls) if either of you want to troubleshoot further.
04-08-2015, 08:59 AM
Thanks for the help
I downloaded the beta and now everything works prefectly
04-20-2015, 03:02 PM
I gave you access. Please let me know if there is any change. My steam is lllSilencerlll (Ls) if either of you want to troubleshoot further.
Okay, I have some new info in case this helps the developers or other players.
I play games with FRAPS, Raptr and Steam usually. Even with the beta builds, my Recursion HUD will not work except under these specific circumstances:
Must exit FRAPS
Must run Recursion as an administrator before PS2
Must run PS2 directly from the directory as an administrator, NOT through Steam
If I alter any of these or do not do them in this order, the HUD will not work.
If FRAPS is running, no HUD.
If I run PS2 from the Steam shortcut, no HUD
If I'm not running both Recursion and PS2 as administrator, no HUD
If I don't launch Recursion before PS2, no HUD
The good news, my HUD works every time I follow these steps.
Other settings that I have changed from default for detailed info:
Beta Participation is checked
Display --> In-Game Overlay "Enable" is checked and set to x64 instead of Auto
Everything else is default settings
Hope this helps!
04-25-2015, 09:23 AM
Okay, I have some new info in case this helps the developers or other players.
I play games with FRAPS, Raptr and Steam usually. Even with the beta builds, my Recursion HUD will not work except under these specific circumstances:
Must exit FRAPS
Must run Recursion as an administrator before PS2
Must run PS2 directly from the directory as an administrator, NOT through Steam
If I alter any of these or do not do them in this order, the HUD will not work.
If FRAPS is running, no HUD.
If I run PS2 from the Steam shortcut, no HUD
If I'm not running both Recursion and PS2 as administrator, no HUD
If I don't launch Recursion before PS2, no HUD
The good news, my HUD works every time I follow these steps.
Other settings that I have changed from default for detailed info:
Beta Participation is checked
Display --> In-Game Overlay "Enable" is checked and set to x64 instead of Auto
Everything else is default settings
Hope this helps!
Didn't work for me. I've reinstalled, both automatically and manually, and done all of the things you've suggested and the HUD still won't rear it's head
04-25-2015, 09:26 AM
Last night we pushed FRAPS compatible dlls to Beta Participation users. Have you tried those?
If that fails, visit this link ( and check out the readme, follow the directions, and e-mail me the rtstLog.txt under the PlanetSide folder.
04-27-2015, 07:25 PM
Last night we pushed FRAPS compatible dlls to Beta Participation users. Have you tried those?
I can confirm the latest Beta allows the in-game HUD and FRAPS to work together again.
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