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View Full Version : Couple questions

03-23-2014, 08:44 PM
1. Is there a way to make the overlay show while you're playing the game? Like, just having the overlay show up, off to the side (I play in windowed mode), so I can just quickly glance over to it while playing.
2. Is there a way to customize what shows up on the overlay? There's info on there I don't really need, and if I want something I can just quickly look at while playing, it would be useful to not have useless stats showing up.

03-23-2014, 08:44 PM
1. It is possible but not meant for it. Once the overlay is opened you can right click on it and can show the overlay image and place it always on top.
2. Through the right click menu you can choose which items you want visible or hidden. If you press edit you can drag and drop specific groups.