View Full Version : Support Achievements
03-23-2014, 08:48 PM
I'd like to see achievements related to working as a team rather than just one-man-army type stuff.
Second coming: Res 10 people with a single revive grenade.
Energizer: heal/repair a single target for 5x his health pool
Armory: have a single ammo pack accessed 50 times
Second fiddle: get 10 assists in a row.
Finish Him: Kill an enemy by dealing less than 5% of his health in damage
03-23-2014, 08:49 PM
Here are some more general achievement ideas, mostly intended to be humorous, for your consideration. Some of them obviously may not be feasible based on the what info the API gives you.
Telecommute/Work from home - Kill an enemy from 350+ meters
Breakfast Combo - Kill a fully loaded Sundy with AT mines.
Building a house - lay x bricks of C4
It's raining men - drop 11 people from your galaxy in x seconds
Spawn room hero - kill x enemies without leaving the spawn
Rebuttal - kill an enemy who has done more than 50% damage to you before you begin doing damage to them.
Delicious bacon - destroy/deploy x squad beacons
Really? - OHK(or be killed by) a teammate with a sniper rifle
Pacifist - fire x bullets without hitting anything
How many fingers? - Get concussed x number of times in y seconds
Is this your job? - play x hours in y time period
Gaben - In a given play session, on your third life, get 3 kills in a row, with three different weapons.
How hard is it to push a button? - Get killed by a vehicle you have stuck c4 to.
Live fast - get killed within x seconds of spawning y times in a row.
You have a gun, you know? - heal x amount/revive y number of people without doing any damage.
Let it go - Avenge yourself x number of times in a row.
Bullet Sponge - take x damage without respawning
03-23-2014, 08:50 PM
I like your suggestions, you put a lot of thought into them.
We would like to have support achievements too, but the information we get that is real-time is mostly limited to kills, deaths, and the weapon used. However you have some suggestions that would still work with the current model.
03-23-2014, 08:52 PM
"Telecommute/Work from home" should be kill someone while being on a different continent. The kill feeds have the zone id to do it and it's not overly difficult to kill or blow someone up at 350 meters.
Originally posted by Silencer View Post (
I like your suggestions, you put a lot of thought into them.
We would like to have support achievements too, but the information we get that is real-time is mostly limited to kills, deaths, and the weapon used. However you have some suggestions that would still work with the current model.
Can you track the achievement feeds too?
Wouldn't it be possible to see if someone gets 4 revive ribbons (40 revives) without dying? "Necromancer"
03-23-2014, 08:53 PM
Yes, we can track in-game achievement feeds. Aren't the ribbons time based on how often you can get them in a day? I honestly don't pay attention to the ribbons so I don't know which ones are available or the rules behind them.
The zone ID is just the continent the player is on which is one of three values. I'm not sure how you can manage to kill someone on a different continent... I believe mines de-spawn when you switch continents. If we were given actual region IDs or somehow able to track the distance in meters we absolutely would want achievements for that. That currently is not possible.
03-23-2014, 08:53 PM
Originally posted by Silencer View Post (
Yes, we can track in-game achievement feeds. Aren't the ribbons time based on how often you can get them in a day? I honestly don't pay attention to the ribbons so I don't know which ones are available or the rules behind them.
The first 5 you get will have double the exp (500). All others after that will be the standard 250. The only problem is you won't know the progress they started with. I'm sure there may be a way to find out in the API, but that's complicated and adds more calls. You could just go by getting it x number of times in a life (at least twice).
The support ones you could do are:
"Medicine Man" - Get two healing ribbons without dying. (Heal 10,000-20,000 HP in one life)
"Necromancer" - Get 3 Revive ribbons without dying. (Revive 30-45 people in one life)
"[Something badass driver]" - Get 3 Piloting Ribbons without losing your vehicle/dying. (Have your gunner(s) kill 40-60 people without loosing your vehicle/dying).
"Mr. Fix-It" - Get 2 Repair ribbons without dying. (Repair 15,000-30,000 HP in one life)
The other ribbons aren't in the game yet:
Generator Destroy / Repair / Disarm
03-27-2014, 08:10 PM
Misters Fist, RadLock, and Silencer with a number of I's or L's. For a light assault kill streak on the stat tracker perhaps "Ironman" would be fitting. And for HE kills "60% of the time, it works every time." Maybe for all explosive weapons
04-02-2014, 07:01 AM
Hey Silencer, thanks for taking the time to look at my suggestion and letting me know the limitations of the API. I think Klypto is on the right track with the support Ribbons. It's not perfect, but it is something.
I had another achievement idea, it would be hard enough to get that I think it really classifies as an achievement:
Smooth Operator - Get a mega kill (maybe exclusively with headshots) with a bolt action rifle
Since bolt actions only have 5 rounds in a mag it would mean getting a kill with every shot, back to back, without reloading.
04-02-2014, 10:34 AM
I was thinking about something similar a while back, but more of an easter egg than an actual achievement.
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