View Full Version : D3D Com. Error. / PS2 CDT.
After release of the new ingame overlay version (RTST Beta) I was not able to see any achievements or ingame overlays and there was only one known fix:
1. Launch RTST under Admin mode.
2. Launch PS2 under Admin mode.
but if player uses steam version of the PS2, there was no known way to launch game under admin mode. By this way RTST was only working audio/voice only, but anything else like visual ingame things where not coming up.
There is way to go around the steam issue if you:
1. Launch RTST under Admin mode.
2. Force PS2 run under Admin mode (out of steam) by:
a) Navigating ...\Steam\SteamApps\common\PlanetSide 2
b) Launch "LaunchPad.exe" under Admin mode.
I confirmed that this will fix all the issues (you see achievements, ingame overlay, get audio messages etc.)
But now as new 64bit client came out that trick is not working anymore.
1. Launching game under admin mode "LaunchPad.exe" will fix the issue, if people where running the game under steam.
2. If you launch the game while RTST is running (Auto mode/ x64 mode) will CTD your game.
3. Will give you in top RTST little D3D Com. Error.
I confirmed that D3D was causing the CTD, I just Disabled all Ingame overlays under Overlay menu and Options, I'm no longer getting CTD.
I hope it helps.
04-02-2014, 10:54 AM
Which OS are you running? Are you using any other overlay programs? Mumble, TS, Steam?
Which OS are you running? Are you using any other overlay programs? Mumble, TS, Steam?
I'm using Windows 8.1 (x64) and I do not use any other Overlays.
I just looked the console and nothing came up there:
rtst_d3doverlay_x64.dll loaded.
Install Hooks Function found.
Attempting hook 3.
Hook ready
After many attempts I managed to launch RTST with game normally 1 time only, but after that CTD continued.
Uploaded log.txt file for you:
04-02-2014, 11:15 AM
Thanks, it may be an issue with Windows 8.1. I'm going to check into it now.
04-02-2014, 11:30 AM
Have the same issue. Windows 8. If I disable the in game overlay it works. I get in game for about 1/2 second and it crashes. (passed the character select screen and into the spawn selection map.)
No other overlays, both running in administrator.
04-02-2014, 01:37 PM
Ok, I was able to recreate the issue and *hopefully* fix it.
There is a new beta client out now.
Remember to make sure Beta Participation is checked under Options.
Ok after couple of tests I can confirm, the issue seems to be fixed now. Ingame overlay and achievements are working fine.
Note those who had that issue:
1. You need launch both RTST and PS2 under Admin mode (if you use steam version of the game, then do not launch it using steam, but just use Admin mode on "LaunchPad.exe").
2. If overlay still does not come up, then make sure that you change under options Auto to x64
2. Your game must be in full screen.
Also I noticed when I closed my game down RTST gave me that D3D com. Error. on top of the RTST, seems to be just visual message, nothing what could affect RTST usage.
Thank you so much, for fixing the problem so fast. :smug:
04-02-2014, 02:48 PM
You're welcome. Please let me know if you run into any other problems.
The d3d com error just means RTST lost connection to the game. This happens if you alt-tab, change the resolution, or quit. The error will show up and RTST will try to re-establish a connection.
Full-screen is not actually required-- at least it shouldn't be... There's still probably some issues to iron out, thanks for all of your patience.
Planetside 2 just rolled back to 32bit version... :cripes.001:
Under options Auto / x86 version will not activate ingame Overlay and achievements.
Tested as:
1. RTST and PS2 where running in Admin mode.
2. Both Auto and x86 version. (Even tried with x64)...
04-02-2014, 05:01 PM
Planetside 2 just rolled back to 32bit version... :cripes.001:
Under options Auto / x86 version will not activate ingame Overlay and achievements.
Tested as:
1. RTST and PS2 where running in Admin mode.
2. Both Auto and x86 version. (Even tried with x64)...
Oh so that what was going on. I just registered to report the same thing. I also tried both tests and it did not work
I'm currently running Windows 8.1 64 bit
04-02-2014, 05:18 PM
Wow they completely rolled back... working on a fix now.
04-02-2014, 05:36 PM
Place these DLLs into the Real Time Stat Tracker installation directory. This will fix the Windows 8 x86 issue.
I also adjusted the installer to include them now for new downloads.
I'm going to see if I can adjust main client to auto detect the actual running PS2 architecture before releasing a update.
04-02-2014, 06:35 PM
Installed the External and am running the RTST in x86 mode due to the roll back but am now back to CTD when starting the game
04-02-2014, 08:24 PM
Try reinstalling
I tested this on my 8.1 install without issue running the 32 bit PS2 client.
Is anyone else still having a problem for Windows 8 while running RTST in x86 mode?
Try reinstalling
I tested this on my 8.1 install without issue running the 32 bit PS2 client.
Is anyone else still having a problem for Windows 8 while running RTST in x86 mode?
So I did re-install and it did not fix the issue.
1. If I have Auto version active, then RTST starts fine, but no Visual ingame overlay.
2. If I have x86 version active, then RTST gives me logo after I press play, but it will CTD my PS2 around 41% load.
3. If I turn Overlay off (overlays menu and options), then RTST starts fine, no visual part ofc, but audio/voice part works fine.
So seems fix is close, but not there.
04-03-2014, 10:40 AM
So I did re-install and it did not fix the issue.
1. If I have Auto version active, then RTST starts fine, but no Visual ingame overlay.
2. If I have x86 version active, then RTST gives me logo after I press play, but it will CTD my PS2 around 41% load.
3. If I turn Overlay off (overlays menu and options), then RTST starts fine, no visual part ofc, but audio/voice part works fine.
So seems fix is close, but not there.
Windows 8 can handle dx9 calls differently between x86 and x64. When we fixed Windows 8 64 bit crashing it inadvertently broke the 32 bit version. I stayed up pretty late last night revamping the entire hook process even further to be more robust across all platforms. It's not done yet, but when it is it will be a much nicer experience for everyone-- Windows 8 included.
For now you can roll back to which should work, or even further back (this version requires an uninstall of the current one)
As soon as the new version is finished you will be able to update it through the normal process.
And again, thank you everyone for your feedback and support.
04-06-2014, 01:16 AM is out which should resolve Windows 8 issues for the 32 bit client.
04-06-2014, 07:55 AM
I have been following this thread closely and I have followed all of the advice given. I recently updated to and I am still having the same issue. I am running normal Windows 8 64 bit.
I am running no other overlays.
Here is my log.txt
2014-04-05 15:15:25,755 [1] INFO ????©??u - Program starting
2014-04-06 07:43:13,375 [1] INFO ???????? - Program starting
2014-04-06 08:44:41,708 [13] ERROR ???????? - Thread was being aborted.
System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
at System.Threading.Thread.AbortInternal()
at System.Threading.Thread.Abort()
at (Object )
at ????????.????????(Object )
at RealTimeStatTracker.NamedPipe.Quit()
at RealTimeStatTracker.NamedPipe.Restart()
at RealTimeStatTracker.NamedPipe.ShowMenu(PipeMessage[] message, Bitmap[] bitmaps)
at RealTimeStatTracker.NamedPipe.InitializeScoreWindo w()
at RealTimeStatTracker.NamedPipe.AcceptConnection()
2014-04-06 08:47:24,467 [1] INFO ???????? - Program quitting
2014-04-06 08:47:44,101 [1] INFO ???????? - Program starting
2014-04-06 08:52:12,642 [1] INFO ???????? - Program quitting
04-06-2014, 08:18 AM
Still crashing with new update, was able to get into game and play for a min but then crashed. And back to mostly crashing trying to get back into game.
04-06-2014, 10:47 AM
Can you try starting PS2 first, then launching RTST to see if that changes it at all? We have a couple of different methods for installing the overlay now including support for when PS2 is already running.
Ok, there are definitely still issues. I updated our known issues segment with Windows 8 problems. I think I have the problem narrowed down and in my dev environment I made a change which improved overall framerate for Windows 8, but crashing can still occur. I'm going to take some more time to solve this.
04-06-2014, 04:29 PM
Crash as soon as i start the in game overlay after logging in and getting completely into game. Only have sporadic luck getting the overlay to work when starting after fully getting into game. Having some luck running the launcher in compatibility mode for windows 7, but thats just dodging windows 8. Seems like i get into game more then crash with the new update where as I could crash almost immediately before i could select my character.
04-07-2014, 05:24 AM
Yeah, starting the overlay even after the game is running causes a crash after about 1-2 minutes.
04-08-2014, 02:30 PM
Here is an updated 32 bit DLL which I was able to run PS2 without issue on Windows 8. However Generik1006 was unable to get it to work. Could someone else try this out and see how PS2 responds?
Download that to your Real-Time Stat Tracker installation folder, replacing the current DLL.
livin eater
04-09-2014, 05:26 AM
still gives the error but later like 5 min after or so
04-09-2014, 08:45 PM
Edit: Generik and I have been working this out and almost have a version that should be stable.
04-10-2014, 03:27 PM
Okay, is live. I have yet to reproduce any crash on Windows 8 with this version. Please give it a try and let me know how it works. Just update your clients normally. Thanks.
04-11-2014, 06:28 PM
The new update completely fixed my issue. Thanks for all of your hard work.
04-16-2014, 07:22 AM
If anyone is having issues with the 64-bit PS2 client on Windows 8.0 or 8.1, please let us know.
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