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View Full Version : [Voice Pack] Bastion Narrator updated

06-26-2016, 08:30 PM
Hey everyone I just want to start out by saying that I did not compile this all on my own, rather this is simply a passion project because I love GustavoM's bastion voice pack so much. Gustavo came up with the idea originally and this pack is updated based off of his pack.

This pack is composed of voice lines of the narrator from the game Bastion. Many of the lines used can be heard here (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6RTkUgov60g&ab_channel=GameplayDump) so that you can get a taste. Anyway, I have a friend who plays a lot of medic and noticed my favorite voice pack didn't have almost any of the medic related voice lines so I hopped in and updated it a little (Update: many things beyond just medic lines have been added as of v5, heck some achievements have multiple possible lines). Again, Gustavo is the guy who originally made the base pack that can be found in the stickied voice pack post. :)

Edit: Turns out the v5 didn't get uploaded correctly or something and some of the lines were cut? I've since parted with the hard drive that the previous versions are on so I don't have a way of getting the fixed version back and don't really feel like fixing it myself right now. Lucky for me a buddy was using v4 and I was able to get that version back and uploaded. Maybe one day I'll come back and fix things, but don't count on it.

The pack (v4) can be found here (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1er3y9KR_5ivuYPgZdr4SJQ02YJ7pzbCG/view?usp=sharing).