View Full Version : Overlay not working
10-06-2016, 03:02 PM
My rtst overlay is not working. The program is capable of live tracking, and the voicepack works when triggered by whatever event (killstreak, headshot, etc.), but none of the overlay components function.
I've tried literally every combination of the following options:
Debug desplay
Launcher Console
Legacy Hooks
Beta Participation
And still nada.
It worked in the past, so I'm thinking it might be a graphics driver or system update? Unfortunately I can't recall specifically when it stopped working.
Any help or troubleshooting suggestions would be greatly appreciated. The only thing I haven't tried is trying to use an older graphics driver. Would this be worth it? I apologize in advance for my lack of computer savvy.
10-06-2016, 05:56 PM
Which overlays are you using?
10-08-2016, 07:21 PM
I'm using the default that the dev team has and it doesn't work so that must be the one he is using.
10-09-2016, 06:44 AM
Have you tried launching RTST in admin mode before launching Planetside 2 (also in admin mode)?
10-11-2016, 01:57 PM
Yes, I have but their is times where it doesn't even come up at all.
10-12-2016, 12:06 AM
Are you running other overlays?
10-12-2016, 06:14 PM
No, I'm only running default. That's it
10-12-2016, 06:23 PM
Ohh ok.
I had some issues with the overlay at one point where I was sometimes loading ts3 or overwolf overlays. After disabling those overlays or not running the programs RTST overlay worked again.
I also just just had an issue today with obs and amd vce. I had changed PS2 to fullscreen and I had to return to windowed full screen to get the overlay to show with obs running amd Vce.
10-13-2016, 04:39 AM
The thing is that it doesn't want to come up at all from time to time which its annoying. Because ExplodingFist just help me the other day with my RTST not connecting so now their is more "notice-able" bugs.
10-18-2016, 01:57 PM
Is it possible there is a keybind conflict with another program by chance? I don't remember the RTST keybinds but you can find them in the options. I'm on my phone right now or I would go look.
Another thing that came to mind is setting launchpad and RTST to run as admin. I could have swore I've seen a post or two about issues with RTST overlay and not being run as admin. I think they were on Reddit, but I'm not sure.
10-30-2016, 05:51 AM
Okay, here is what I have found out, it turns out their is programs running that is interfering with your overlay. Whatever it is, go to the bottom right corner of your screen when your at main windows screen, go to the tab that shows the tiny icons (right next to wifi icons) and close what ever program that is on and not necessary.
12-20-2016, 07:19 PM
[QUOTE=SourceDecay;20057]My rtst overlay is not working. The program is capable of live tracking, and the voicepack works when triggered by whatever event (killstreak, headshot, etc.), but none of the overlay components function.
Same with me. Only the voice works but no overlay or crosshair. Any chance to fix this?
12-20-2016, 09:03 PM
Solved. I started RTST as admin and them started PS2 also as admin. The overlays appear and the crosshair too. Hope it helps. ;)
12-30-2016, 12:52 PM
i have done everything and it still dont work, tried running as admin for both, did the beta thing and the legacy hooking thing or whatever. voice pack work but overlay never does, just downloaded this. help
04-07-2017, 07:19 PM
SourceDecay I feel your pain because I am having the same problem.
I really wish there was a fix because recursion makes Planetside so much more enjoyable and the overlays are brilliant too.
I too tried all the suggestions I could find including even the beta thing, it works sometimes then it doesn't again.
For a long time I had to stop trying to use it as it was just too frustrating, hoping and wondering if it would work or not.
I remember the Admin thing used to work for a while but it stopped working after a while too.
The only thing I haven't tried was the keybind conflicts thing, I just changed them so I will report back if that fixes anything, fingers-crossed.
>EDIT: Nope changing the keybinds didn't work unfortunately. :(
Thanks to all who offered suggestions.
Could it have something to do with the version of .NET installed?
Is recursion compatible with all versions of .NET?
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