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View Full Version : crosshair doesn't save

09-12-2018, 07:12 AM
Good Afternoon,

I have noticed that, after I "configure" the crosshair mod to use one of the custom models (specifically small_red)
it will work when I launch my client/game, however if I close the Recursion Tracker program then I must again
select this custom crosshair moddle if I want it to work ingame.

Is there a way to force the tracker to "save" my preferences so that I do not need to go back into configuration to
choose this crosshair modle each and every time?

Thank You!


Exploding Fist
09-12-2018, 09:42 AM
If you gracefully exit it should save fine. If it abnormally terminates (i.e. computer crashes) it won't save your config. How are you closing the software?