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View Full Version : [Voice Pack] Enhanced Experience Pack

05-23-2019, 03:50 PM
Guaranteed to make the game more enjoyable, and maybe some laughs.
Tidbits from Duke Nukem, Starcraft, Freespace, Terminator, Predator, They Live, Sudden Impact, Command & Conquer, Red Faction II, Team Fortress 2, Riddick, and so on
From general compliments up to taunts. Does contain some mild NSFW content.

Originally inspired from Soupy's voice pack and Moukass1's HEAVY DAMAGE.

Want a copy? Grab one here (https://www.dropbox.com/s/j51799f7q1qx2fh/Enhanced%20ExperienceVP.rtst_vpk?dl=0)

Hey how do I install this?
First, open up Recursion stat tracker (if you haven't already)
Sign in if needed.
Now, look for tools, then click options.
Next, click the Audio tab
Then, where it says (or should say) voicePacks, click Load
Search for where the file is located, then select and click Open.
As a bonus, afterwards click Configure to preview each Achievement sounds.

Now, go out there, and show Auraxis what you're made of!

04-26-2020, 08:14 PM
Update 4/26/20:

I've noticed that some, if not most, sound clips were too quiet during event triggers, especially during a large fight.
-Increased volume on sound clips
-Added a couple additional clips for event triggers

04-30-2020, 03:07 PM
Hi, would you mind posting the audio files used in this voice pack?

05-01-2020, 03:14 PM
Hi, would you mind posting the audio files used in this voice pack?

Files can be downloaded from here - https://www.dropbox.com/s/z51pevho3izbp0p/EnhancedExpPack.zip?dl=0