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View Full Version : Quick Question or two?

07-14-2014, 11:06 PM
Hi, I've been using the stat tracker for a while now, and I think it's great! I was hoping to learn two things: first, what is the recording for Scripted Cheater? I've gotten it twice now and I have no idea what he's saying. :S

And second, I'm sure there's already a great answer to this on the forum, but I'm not sure where. I have recently started streaming, and was hoping to set it up so that RTST overlayed in the stream, but not in-game (if possible). Any help with this would be greatly appreciated!


07-14-2014, 11:41 PM
Wow, nice. 3 Batmans and 2 Scripted Cheaters.

"You invisible headshot scripted cheater!"

In the program, if you go under Help->Streaming Help theres a guide to setting up the streaming overlay, along with some really nice youtube videos from RadLock. The streaming overlay can have stats customized and will also display achievements and killstreak information, but displaying the HUD that you see with our in-game overlay isn't possible.

07-15-2014, 02:13 PM
Thanks, the guide helped me set up what I wanted great, thanks for taking the time to help me out :)