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View Full Version : In Game Overlay Issue

07-19-2014, 05:17 AM
Hi I am a frequent streamer of PlanetSide 2 and I love the new in-game overlay you guys have added to the RTST.

Unfortunately I have an issue with it. It will not be captured by OBS unless I run PS 2 in windowed full screen and have OBS do a window capture of the game. Now for most people this would not be an issue but I have a G-Sync monitor and the only way G-Sync works is if you run the game in full screen which only allows me to capture the game through Game Capture and hooking directly into the game. Fortunately the in game overlay is still visible to me but I would like my viewers to be able to see it as well.

I have attempted many work a rounds to attempt to get it visible with no success.

I have attempted to run all 3 pieces of software in administrator mode. I have opened all of the software in various orders to see if that works with no success. I managed to have OBS capture the in-game overlay one time but as soon as I alt-tabbed and came back into the game the overlay was in-accessible again.

Currently I have two choice. Run with G-Sync and have the viewers to unable to see the overlay or run without g-sync so viewers can see the overlay. The decision is obvious, once you go G-Sync you don't go back.

Perhaps this isn't even a G-Sync issue but just a full screen capture issue that I am derping with. Unfortunately I know not everyone that uses the software streams so this is a small part of your community being affected by this (IF I am not the only one unable to get the in-game overlay visible in OBS) and to complicate things more I know G-Sync users that are streamers are far less common so If it is in fact a G-Sync issue I'd probably be the only one you would be looking for a fix for.

I'll continue attempting different settings within OBS and PS2 to see if I can get OBS to capture the in game overlay but if anyone has any suggestions or a solution I would greatly appreciate the help.

**Edit** Here's some possibly useful information that I should have included originally.
OS Windows 8.1 x64
Recursion v0.9.2.5
CPU 4770k
GPU2 GTX 560 1 GB (PhysX Card)



07-19-2014, 07:26 AM
So i've found the same issue, if I try and stream with OBS Game Capture, rather than Monitor capture, the In-Game tracker won't show. Have you attempted Monitor Capture? It will work with the game in Fullscreen.

Now theres always the other option w/ the tracker, when you use the streaming overlay and impose it over a premade overlay.


Yeah I see what you mean about the monitor capture, GSYNC does make it a tricky one. Though your stream is pretty high quality, I need to spend some more time tweaking mine.

07-19-2014, 08:34 AM
I think I had luck with starting RTST / PS2 first. Having OBS running but not capturing, then in-game with our overlay displayed start the capture through a hotkey. I believe this worked in full-screen with game mode capture. However alt-tabbing / changing graphics settings broke it completely.

There really isn't a way to force the order after that unfortunately. OBS game capture uses a hook like we do and if its hooked before us it won't see what we render.

The streaming overlay wouldn't have an issue with it though.

07-22-2014, 07:57 AM
I think I had luck with starting RTST / PS2 first. Having OBS running but not capturing, then in-game with our overlay displayed start the capture through a hotkey. I believe this worked in full-screen with game mode capture. However alt-tabbing / changing graphics settings broke it completely.

There really isn't a way to force the order after that unfortunately. OBS game capture uses a hook like we do and if its hooked before us it won't see what we render.

The streaming overlay wouldn't have an issue with it though.

Unfortunately this doesn't work either.

07-23-2014, 11:32 AM
Well I figured out how to get the overlay on OBS without having to disable g-sync. Hopefully this information can help someone else in the future or help with a future fix if its possible to be done from RTST side.

I have to launch the game first, then launch obs and do game capture and then launch RTST, click start and then quickly go back to the game before it connects. If I alt-tab at all, I lose all visuals of the stat tracker until I relaunch PS2 and RTST.

07-23-2014, 11:57 AM
Appreciate the info zeth, glad you get to use it while streaming.