View Full Version : Certain Medals Arent Being Awarded
08-02-2014, 11:34 PM
Hey there I was just posting to inform you that I have gotten the 5 Frag Kill Medal Twice and it didn't award it to me, it didnt give me the medal for 3 Frag kills either and I even got those back to back. Also My Friend Did the Phlanex Turret Medal and it didn't award that to him also- I'm on a medal hunt so how do I know which medals will be correctly awarded because I do not want to waste my time on them until I know they will give it to me - Thanks in advance for your help.. If at all possible you should award me my medal lol I have proof!
08-02-2014, 11:52 PM
Just seen the sticky that said I need a screenshot an whatnot - where do you want me to send it????
08-03-2014, 08:06 AM
You can e-mail us at Saving your session would also help so we can view the details easier.
08-03-2014, 11:13 AM
ok I sent an email - since then i got 4 back to back c4 kills and it didnt award me the medal either- other medals still come up but the 5 frag kills and 4 c4 kills didnt award me the medal - I saved my session and also sent you screenshots
08-03-2014, 12:54 PM
The frag grenades and c4 achievements are for scoring those kills at once. ie one c4 kills 4 or more people.
I'm not sure about the phalanx turret issue. Can you repeat it? If your friend died during that streak it wouldn't have counted.
08-03-2014, 02:24 PM
dig that you should make them say something like get a triple kill with one frag grenade or 5 kills at once with a single frag grenade - or instead of execute an infiltrator with a commisioner it should say Kill an Infiltrator with a HeadShot From A Commisioner - clear up any confuseable things like that - and i will try to get my friends phlanex information - he sent me a pic in text when it happerned so i seen his killboard all kills were back to back and also he did not die or team kill inbetween- also i think you should consider adjusting the Kill five 2.0 and Three 3.0 Medal to just killing that many of them without dying instead of back to back yano - i went 600 kills and seen only maybe 7 or 8 people who were actually over 2.0 thats an insane medal with numbers like that (i looked back over stats i saved to see the numbers)
08-16-2014, 06:41 PM
hey i was wondering - i got an armored assault in a halberd on a mag rider - but it didnt give me the blitzkreig medal for 40 kills - i just wondered if the halber counted for the blitzkreig and if not why award the armored assault medal for the halberd? i still have my stat tracker going if u need any info - and also i had a new medal idea kill two enemies of opposite factions within a certain time span - medal name = Color Blind -
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