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View Full Version : [Feature Request] Squad/Friend tracking.

09-17-2014, 11:13 PM
My whole outfit uses Recursion. As we play we are constantly calling out our achievements to each other. Which is great because we all communicate and all enjoy hearing how everyone is doing. However, rather than tie up our voice chat, I would love an optional HUD element similar to the killboard. One which would populate with stats from your assigned friends/outfit/squad.

So that as I am playing. If I have set it to track a buddy of mine. His Headshots, Killing Sprees, Etc. starts populating.

A useful example is if I am long distance sniping with a friend. Whenever I see someone we are shooting at die. I always ask him if he got it. But with this feature I would know. Because our shared killboard just showed me.

I think it would be a really great feature that a lot of people would get a lot of use out of.

Anyway, Let me know what you all think.

