ASP patch update
I wasn't shocked to find out that the latest (ASP) update broke RT, but boy did I NOT enjoy playing today without RT!
I see no one mentioned it or whined in the forums, so I'll just start this thread here so that I hopefully get a notification when the RT update addresses ASP patch.
Thanks guys!
RT version :
windows 10
normal startup but not tracking any data
log file only has date stamps in it, nothing else
The tracker is working fine and didn't break. Looks like their servers are no longer talking to the Stream API, which means there is no real-time data (for anyone, including their own kill feed stats). That's something they'll need to fix.
{"online":{"EventServerEndpoint_Briggs_25":"false" ,"EventServerEndpoint_Cobalt_13":"false","EventSer verEndpoint_Connery_1":"false","EventServerEndpoin t_Emerald_17":"false","EventServerEndpoint_Jaeger_ 19":"false","EventServerEndpoint_Miller_10":"false "},"service":"event","type":"heartbeat"}
well rip, I'm still new to this so forgive my ignorance
Thanks Fist, I'll try drawing their attention to this via Twitter.
They know about it. I'm sure they'll get it fixed as soon as they can.
Man I miss my Homer Simpson voice pack. I started driving harassers more just to hear https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kVWd...youtu.be&t=30s