Often times I feel that I am doing some ridiculous things that are not giving me any positive feedback. Clinical depression is starting to kick in.
If I kill 3-5 people with my pistol I feel like I did something special, please make me feel special.
If I kill 20 or 30 people with Infantry weapons I feel like a special snowflake, please remind me. It's no Batman but worth a mention.
If I shoot and kill a Liberator with a dumbfire rocket, I would feel better if Radlock reminded me.
If I kill 5+ air vehicles with a Burster Max please give me some positive feedback because Burster Max is a thankless enough job as it is.
If I kill 5+ ground vehicles in a single life I think that should be worth an achievement. I know I just got a bunch of cert's but I still want a shoutout.
Anyone that kills someone 15 times in a session should get a "REPORTED" achievement or something funny. The next thing after "Recursion".
If after an hour the majority of your kills are from by sitting in a vehicle or a MAX you should have Radlock scream "YOU ARE PLAYING CHEESE SOLDIER!", then get a "Cheese" achievement that pops up a big block of cheese.
There should be achievements for killing vehicles with AV Maxes.
There should be a funny achievement for killing 3+ vehicles with Lock On's in a single life, like a "That was easy" or a "You cant shake me".
There should be an achievement for Mario Stomping a vehicle with a Galaxy called "Mario Stomped".
There should be an achievement for ramming 3+ ESF's in a single life with a Galaxy called "Fear the whale" or "Killer Whale" or something.
Anyways im drunk so.. I hope this makes sense. ANd my avatar,....