Were these fresh installs of 8.1 or upgraded from windows 8?
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Were these fresh installs of 8.1 or upgraded from windows 8?
Same problem for me Silencer.
I had Windows 8 and upgraded to Windows 8.1 if that helps.
I checked to make sure .NET was installed or needed repairing, everything was fine.
As soon as I goto start a session it crashes within 5 second
I can create a session that goes back in time and it will show my stats but when I click "resume" session it will crash in around 5 seconds. So basically any kind of "Real time" tracking crashes the program.
I tried to run in Debug mode but I am not seeing the list of API calls, where should I be looking?
Apilog 2/18/2014 7:10:43 PM 1 character/?name.first_lower=sinist&c:show=character_id
2/18/2014 7:10:44 PM 1 single_character_by_id/?character_id=5428010618038784561&c:resolve=outfit
2/18/2014 7:10:48 PM 2 characters_world/?character_id=5428010618038784561&c:show=world_id
2/18/2014 7:10:48 PM 3 characters_online_status/?character_id=5428010618038784561
Apilog 2/18/2014 7:10:43 PM 1 character/?name.first_lower=sinist&c:show=character_id
2/18/2014 7:10:44 PM 1 single_character_by_id/?character_id=5428010618038784561&c:resolve=outfit
2/18/2014 7:10:48 PM 2 characters_world/?character_id=5428010618038784561&c:show=world_id
2/18/2014 7:10:48 PM 3 characters_online_status/?character_id=5428010618038784561
Getting player json
Populating weapons for this player...
Weapons populated
... Player created
Update Weapons text field started...
...Update Weapons text fields ended
Update Weapons text field started...
Is there any error message its actually giving you when it crashes? We're working on getting a fix out but being unable to recreate the issue slows us down. Our real-time connection method works a little differently than past events and we think the issue is there. This issue has moved to the top of our priority list. Thank you for the information.
I went into "Turn Windows Features On and Off" and made sure that every sub-option for the NET framework was enabled like the Windows Communication Foundation and all the TCP authentication junk that is usually turned off in a regular Windows install. I thought maybe you guys were using some kind of legacy or obscure SDK API call in one of those features.
But it's still crashing so you guy's can rule that out.
There is no error other then the program divided by zero and that Windows is checking for a solution.
Can you guys try going to Options-Tools-Configure and pressing the big button next to Volume? This plays a sound. Does this work?
Can you then try going to Tools-Options and uncheck Use Sound? Then try starting a session?
Pressing the big button next to volume didn't play a sound for me, and ended up crashing. However, unchecking sound and then starting a session worked fine. I didn't crash doing that.