So Beta 10 already has something like that in it. It is not configurable and it still needs some improvement, but how it works right now is it makes sure a period of time passes where the frame rate is above a certain threshold. That way we don't try to allocate resources during an intense frame stalling operation (typically during a loading screen).

One of the next things I am trying to get in is a much more compatible hooking process. Right now the best type of hook occurs during the DirectX device create call, which unfortunately is not compatible with some other programs (like apparently dxtory) So that leaves me with two options: one is improving our mid-function hook (starting after PS2). There are some issues with that currently especially on 8.1 x64. On top of that each OS and architecture changes how that works.

The other option is including a trampoline which may allow CreateDevice to work with other programs, but that involves writing a disassembler. I'm up for the challenge, but time is hard to come by. This probably needs to happen for the delayed start to really make a difference though.