I have been following this thread closely and I have followed all of the advice given. I recently updated to and I am still having the same issue. I am running normal Windows 8 64 bit.

I am running no other overlays.

Here is my log.txt

2014-04-05 15:15:25,755 [1] INFO ????©??u - Program starting
2014-04-06 07:43:13,375 [1] INFO ???????? - Program starting
2014-04-06 08:44:41,708 [13] ERROR ???????? - Thread was being aborted.
System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
at System.Threading.Thread.AbortInternal()
at System.Threading.Thread.Abort()
at (Object )
at ????????.????????(Object )
at RealTimeStatTracker.NamedPipe.Quit()
at RealTimeStatTracker.NamedPipe.Restart()
at RealTimeStatTracker.NamedPipe.ShowMenu(PipeMessage[] message, Bitmap[] bitmaps)
at RealTimeStatTracker.NamedPipe.InitializeScoreWindo w()
at RealTimeStatTracker.NamedPipe.AcceptConnection()
2014-04-06 08:47:24,467 [1] INFO ???????? - Program quitting
2014-04-06 08:47:44,101 [1] INFO ???????? - Program starting
2014-04-06 08:52:12,642 [1] INFO ???????? - Program quitting