Thank your taking the time to post the detailed request/report. We're in the process of performing a major overhaul of the software and during this we'll be upgrading all of our libraries.

The normal hooking process (not using legacy hooks) will likely get updated as well, whether it helps with the Radeon Pro software I do not know. None of us have an AMD card to test, but when the libraries are updated I can let you know so you could try it.

However, if it helps, it's likely the result will be the same as:

Option 4:
RTST overlay: on (legacy)
Radeon Pro: on (normal)
-> PS2 works, Radeon pro works, RTST overlay is affected by Radeon pro features (example: low LOD also affects the overlay which makes it impossible to read)
Using this method specifically have you tried changing which programs start first, including starting Radeon Pro after PS2?