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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Ideas for new achievements

    first i would like to apologize for my english and for the grammar mistakes: a few "T"s might be missing, my key is broken *thirdperson spam* ...


    the "Ride Of Valkyrie": RAM 2 enemies planes with your own

    the "Whale stomp": RAM an enemy gound vehicle with a galaxy


    the "TBagger": ask for ammo to an enemy engineer, ressuply and kill him

    the "aimbotter": no scope headshot someone over 10 meters

    the "Canadian camper": kill 5 people without moving (cloak /uncloak and croutch are authorized)

    the "TF2 style": jump on someone, blow a rocket on your feet,kill him with the knife

    the "show-off" kill 5 people with a stock infantry : nothing eqquiped: no attachements, no suit slot, stock ability slot..

    the "soldier of fortune" kill 10 people with a stock infantry : nothing eqquiped: no attachements, no suit slot, stock ability slot..

    the "god noob" kill 20 people with a stock infantry : nothing eqquiped: no attachements, no suit slot, stock ability slot..

    the "Rambo" kill 10 people with one clip (without reloading)

    the "support" get more than 1 000XP without any kills (infantry only)

    the "farmer" get more than 2 500XP without any kills (infantry only)

    the "certs grinder" get more than 5 000XP without any kills (infantry only)

    the "Mechanic" get more than 10 000XP without any kills (infantry only)

    the "rocket launcher god" get the copper medal (10 kills) on each stock RL on the game (i play TR and i have the copper medal on the shrike (NC stock RL) and i'm 2 kills away from the one on the S1 (VS sock RL)) not in one life but for all time stats (don't know if possible though)

    he "psycho" knife a poor enemy max to death

    the "Troll-filtrator" put C4 on a friendly infiltrator and blem him up with at least 1 enemy (requires teamwork and being a bit insane ^^)

    the "u wot m8?" kill someone with more than 1000 ms of latency

    the " Oh, are you trying to hurt me? Pathetic." kill someone with primary and secondary clips empy (0 bullets) : stab them to death

    he "Rest in death!" kill someone wihout losing life nor shield (no OS weapons)

    the "Time to wipe you off the battlefield" kill someone of higher/equal BR as you

    the "Dead men tell no tales." kill 3 people of higher/equal BR as you

    and finally as there is a VS specific achievement (with the lancer) so here are a TR and NC one.

    for he TR the "Bulletproof" : kill 9 enemies with the T7 MCG without reloading. for the audio:
    for the NC: something shotgun related like kill 9 enemies withou dying with differents shoguns....

    here's a few achievements i'd like o see IG, i don't know if they're all possible though...


  2. #2
    Cancer Man
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    Thanks for taking the time to write those up. Unfortunately 90% of those are not possible since we do not get that kind of detail from the game, like XP, bullet data, attachments, location, medals, etc... There are quite a few BR related achievements already there today though.

    Hopefully more data will be available to us at some point in the future.

  3. #3
    Guest Hajj Podge's Avatar
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    Tehran, Iran
    I'd like to see some achievements for blasting Liberators out of the sky with tank cannons other than Skyguard. I'm at a complete creative loss on what they should be called though.

  4. #4
    I'd really like a 15 kill streak achievement. Currently it goes 5, 10, 20, 25, 30, 48 and some other very large ones. It just seems like there should be a 15 in there.

  5. #5
    Stat Tracker Development Team
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    Quote Originally Posted by M16Noir View Post
    I'd really like a 15 kill streak achievement. Currently it goes 5, 10, 20, 25, 30, 48 and some other very large ones. It just seems like there should be a 15 in there.
    We're planning on some class specific kill-streaks at 15.

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