I recently had to completely uninstall Recursion and re-install it but now for some reason I cannot find an option to autosave my sessions and I have
ghspeedyg 04-13-2024, 03:56 PMHi sorry, but we do not list any stat requirements as it would be fairly simple for a user to statpad their way to achieve said stats.
Disenfranchised 04-05-2024, 08:58 PMTo modify Ashley's Crosshair/mill-dot overlay, follow these steps: First, open your overlay settings. Locate the crosshair/mill-dot option. Adjust its
Michal Alice 03-26-2024, 09:31 AMМечтаете как-то разнообразить сексуальную жизнь? Добиться новых ощущений позволят
Mariaser 03-24-2024, 02:59 PMEDIT 2 : If you're reading this, you can disregard my request, I managed to get ~180 packs, most of the ones I was missiong from the previous collection
PoiZone 03-21-2024, 06:42 AMWhat factors might contribute to the Recursion tracker inaccurately incrementing kills and deaths in session stats, as observed in TS?
Lotte 03-18-2024, 10:43 AM
How do I modify/change my overlay?
[QUOTE=Michal Alice;57679]To modify Ashley's Crosshair/mill-dot overlay, follow these steps: First, open your overlay settings. Locate the crosshair/mill-dot
Michal Alice Today, 01:25 AM