First of all, gg to all 00 involved in tonight's match.

We had a blast, well played and good luck to you guys in the playoffs.

As to the practice we "intruded" on the 13th. It was literally 5 minutes until your practice time was up that we practiced on the base. We did not go anywhere near the base and practiced on our own in a different part of the map that had no interference on your scrim.

Ghost informed me that you guys had spent 45 minutes back capping so you could have adjacency towards the base? I can understand the frustration of trying to scrim but in no way besides yell chat to did TXR interfere in your affairs.

As for the one person from TXR who did instigate on rude comments he was kicked from teamspeak and banned for the remainder of competitive play.

Please Sayl get off your high horse and stop being dramatic. There was no need to send an email to Tav and no reason to low blow us after a failed merge with Forsosh from OP4. You want to show class and be respectful? Start leading by example.

Mags came on here to settle the peace and show you guys respect which in turn you low blowing TXR on farmer's league and everything else was just stupid and immature.

Again, good luck to you guys in the playoffs.

I will be rooting for a few key members of you're outfit who have my respect and they already know who they are.
