Are you making an editor so that we can make our own achievements? Like if valuekill == Silencer77 then display KILLED A NOOB?

Because that is too cool if my assumption is right looking through the trigger conditions you show in the voice pack configuration and seeing a "Achievement Editor" in progress.

Some issues with the latest 10.whatever version.

-There is no way to change the in game overlay to show minimal information, we are stuck with the largest version. I assume this is intentional while you work your magic.
-When I first tried to get the IN Game overlay to show up, I had to set overlay mode to x64, restart, back to auto, restart, and then it worked. Using win 8.1 Pro in Windowed Mode.
-The + button on the add character needs to be a different color because it blended in and it took me a minute to realize I needed to press it in order to actually add a character. I kept trying to just save and apply rather then clicking the + first.


Add a "depot" of sorts where you can browse all the voice packs and overlay graphics people have made. That way you have a sort of one stop shop for everything where it is easy to access. Same for submitting your own, have everyone submit through the program straight into the "depot".

Looks nice from what I have seen, Nice work once again!