Let me ask the guy who engineered our animated DirectX texture system. Wait a minute!

So this is one of the new features our DirectX components support we haven't really talked about. Originally Beta 10 had an animated startup message when you connected to PS2 courtesy of animation guru, Fatter. We dropped it in favor of the old "Recursion Real-Time Stat Tracker" achievement pop-up instead when one of ( probably our only ) Vista users crashed each time it played. I didn't even think of testing this with custom achievement backgrounds and am fairly surprised-- while slightly impressed-- that the data compiles without issue into the new voicepack format, let alone works in-game.

One of the points of animated textures was so we could do things like have FATALITY play in bloody animated drops, or have the headshot icon animated with the bullet traveling. If you have any skill with making those animations I would be willing to revisit that system and update those (and maybe other) achievements.