Yeah, the headshot one is really easy, I'll work on refining the edges, making the skull busting better etc. And without the background. I'll ahve it up here in a few hours (gotta shoot some more planetmans). And yeah, the fatality one is quite a lot of work, even the thing I've made just as an example does the full rotation from photoshop to after effects to premiere and back to photoshop For something like the actualy mortal kombat one you'd probably want something modelled in 3D MAX or Blender. I have next to no experience with doing that, but I'm always up for learning. But taking the one I've made and adding blood dripping off of the letters while they're deforming shouldn't be too much work as is.

On a slightly unrelated note though, I've got to say, since I am totally unbiased towards the MLG gif (harrharr), playing the game with that thing popping up at farmfests makes it all that much more enjoyable to play with the MLG sound pack It's doubled my normal K/D, not even kidding I'm usually at 2.3-27 or something, but right now I'm sitting at 4+

Animated Snoop confirmed stat padding hack