Your OS and version: Windows 8.1 x64

The version of RTST:

Everithing works fine exept the in game HUD.
I hera the voice call outs and the stats are all listet in the program but when i press the hotkeys in game nothin happens and i cant see the HUD

I have the ovelay set to auto

Turning on the overlay with launcher console states:

Starting search... size:2232320
vTable not found.
Failed compatibility test. RTST should be started prior to launching PS2.
Console display for RTST PS2 DLL injector.
To turn this display off go under
Tools-Options-Configure and uncheck Launcher Window

rtst_d3doverlay_x64.ddl loaded.
Install Hooks Function found.
Attempting hook-- try count: 3.
Hook ready

It allways states this no mather if PS2 is already running or not.

Running PS2 and Recursion in Admin mode doesent help

Im running PS2 in Fullscreen but it also doesen't work in Window or Fulscreen Window mode

I have Planetside and Recursion not in the defult /Program folder if that is an issue

This is the first time i use RTST
Sorry for bad english it's not my first or second language