I've noticed I often forget to start RTST when I play Planetside so I came up with a solution. It's a combination of batch file and python file. The batch file handles monitoring and the python file is a work around for notifying the user if RTST is being started.

The batch file is as follows:
@echo off

tasklist /fi "imagename eq RTST.exe" | find ":" > nul
	if errorlevel 1 (
		echo "RTST is running..."

tasklist /fi "imagename eq LaunchPad.exe" | find ":" > nul
	if errorlevel 1 (
		echo "LaunchPad is running..."
		start beep.py
		start /d "C:\Program Files (x86)\Recursion\RealTimeStatTracker" RTST

and the python file:
import winsound
If you don't care about the beeps, you can remove the "start beep.py" from the batch file. Because it's a batch file, you can set it to run on a schedule (aka every minutes, etc.) It basically just monitors your processes and if it detects the LaunchPad is started and RTST is not, it will start RTST automatically (and notify you with beeps if you choose.)