Hi Zoran,

Thank you for the kind words and feedback.

I wrote most of the client application and all overlay functionality. I know there’s not much documentation on some of the more advanced features /restrictions of the overlay and that’s something I am working on.

When you right click on the overlay you should be presented with multiple options. Making a change to item visibility should save as soon as the change is made. When you select edit, the mode switches to a full screen preview so you can position elements with reference to the game screen.

All drag and drop position changes made in edit will save only when you press edit again leaving edit mode.

Loading in a custom overlay image through the right click options or setting it to visible is meant to be for reference only and should not be set to visible when streaming.
Changing the achievement background / visibility is meant for when you stream.

The custom images you load in should save. However if you simply edit the files saved in the installation directory, they will be overwritten on program updates.

I hope that helps. But I would like to talk to you in more detail especially in regards to the frame rate issues you say you are experiencing.

My e-mail is silencer@recursion.tk

Thank you.