Hi there. After talking to ItzMurda about your folks layout. I've been waiting to get my hands on it to see how I could help promote/provide feedback. And one of my major issues was how big the layout was.

So, in an attempt to minimalism it. I made this graphic: http://i.imgur.com/AUwo2wr.png

Sadly the grey area isn't transparent as I wanted it. But. Simply drag your overlay to the bottom of your screen. And the info will appear at the bottom of the screen rather than the top. (Not through edit mode. Just when you originally start it. Just drag it downward. And remember to shrink it horizontally.)

And sorry for the crappy photoshop job. Not as talented as you folks with image editing. If someone could make it more PS2 themed then I would greatly encourage it. As I'm sure some folks would prefer the info at the bottom. Either for viewer reasons or to use personally. Sort of how I am right now, as I quite enjoy using this as I play without streaming. The kill streak achievements make me strive to do better things.

Also, for the creator of this I would like to sit down and talk with you. As I'd like to make a video featuring your guy's hard work.And I'm sure you deserve some recognition.