Sounds awesome Hehe, and no Fist you guys didn't ruin anything, if anything you forced me to start recalling how I did a lot of things in the past and re-examining them to see if they'll work the same today. Seems there are a few changes to mechanics, and more just to overall PS2 culture and current playerbase. When we realized you had several sundies at the one base, I immediately went into that mode.... "damn, how do we remove the sunderers within 1:30 and get the point with what we've got." We've still got a ton of work to do to get some of the newer guys up to speed on how we used to roll in larger groups, and some others just need to brush the rust off, but it was exciting and enjoyable to start trying to counter-plan another outfit again hehe.

And Sayl - Absolutely.... but after we get everyone up to speed internally first haha. I've put out the virtual batsignal, and having 26 last night was wayyyyyy more than I thought i'd get in the first week so it was a bit chaotic but overall a great sign of things to come. Can't wait to see you guys out there

I think the only frustrating thing I experienced was being demoted to secretary after getting promoted to platoon leader haha. KV assured me it's a bug, but holy damn that is annoying that only PL's can promote SL's right now.