WH40k SEVEN Voice packs: SM, CSM, GK, ELD, Imperial Assasins, NECRONS and TAU
I am a lover of WH40k and I was not happy with the past WH40k voice packs so I started from scracth and doing it in my way. With more than 300 custom voices in each pack! (took me weeks to do it, specially the Eldar...)
If you have any issue just write me.
A tiny example of 2 minutes of what you can expect
Adeptus Astartes is completelly nuts and perfect for any player. V5 updated Jan2024

Eye of Terror is special, more than 25 Mbs with really good and surprising voices including some warp characters like demons... chaotic chilling mode on!

Imperial Assassins with some Ordo malleus is the psycho one and my favourite if you are an Infiltrator. Specially the Eversor for normal killing / Vindicare lines for sniping so a good voice pack for Infiltrators. I added more Grey Knights voices for more achievements. V4 updated on 16th May

Grey Knights terminators, dreadnought, chaplain... v3 Updated with Landraider quotes on Jan 2024

Aeldari out on July 2023, updated on August 2023, the best for me of all voice packs and recommended for the most competitive players. You will know why.

Necrontyr on November 2023!! the biggest pack (31 MBs of voices) with full of characters like Necron Lord, Cryptek, Nemesor, Lychguard... and of course several C'tan!! Added new lines of the StormLord in the new version 6 on Jan 2024

And last TAU v2 gone live on Jan 2024 for the supporters of the Greater Good!!

Older video of 12 minutes:
Space Marines v4

Grey Knights v2

Necrontyr v.4

Contact me for more details or any issue
MataCucasRAID7 (Miller)
Last edited by MataCucasRAID; 12-15-2024 at 03:26 AM.
OMG man ... seven voicepacks????!! I tried the Space Marine and is super good!!!
Keep the good work!
Marines,Chaos and Eldar are great!!! Thanks for the work
Last edited by RedLeaderNC; 09-04-2024 at 05:08 AM.
Question, do you plan to update the Chaos voice? maybe is me but Spaces Marines and Eldar sounds better. Also Tau would need more voices
Indeed Chaos voice pack needs an upgrade but I am not sure if people would like so much as Space Marines or Eldar... If I see more requests for Chaos probably I would do it
Btw thanks for your feedback!
Last edited by MataCucasRAID; 10-25-2024 at 04:51 AM.
Looks like is happening. The voices of Chaos are speaking load and clear
I tried all of them and my favorite is SM. Tau and Eldar are good too but Tau needs more voices!
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