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  1. #1

    Fire suppression timer overlay component

    So since having only a [Waiting] message blinking after supressing fire, it can be really annoying when you are in a tricky situation where you know your fire suppresion should be ready soon, so you end up just spamming F, hoping it will pop eventually before you're dead.
    Because of that it would be really awesome to have some kind of timer in the recursion overlay that actually tells you how long you have to keep [Waiting].

    Now i have no idea how difficult that would be to implement, but it would be really useful!

    Depending on how much info the API provides on that matter, the timer could be set either by the user in the mod configuration some how, or it could even adapt automatically depending on the vehicle you're in and depending on the level of FS that vehicle has unlocked. Or you could maybe even set up a number of different timers, that you can switch between via keybinds.

    Also it would be needed to be able to change the keybind to activate the timer according to the ingame keybind and there would need to be another keybind to deactivate the "activation keybind", so you don't have the timer go off everytime you use your abbility as infantry.

    Maybe even some animated bar, but a simple text based timer would certainly do the job as well.

    Anybody knows if that is possible, or is even willing to implement it?
    Last edited by Tropopyte; 03-09-2016 at 12:11 PM.

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