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  1. #11
    Cancer Man
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    Your sound drivers are a bit out of date. You can get updated ones here:

    Probably the best place to start. I've looked up your video card and I see a lot of people reporting various issues including delays in Windows 8. Is this the only program you've seen sound issues with?

  2. #12
    Hi there.

    first - i love the stat tracker ...its awesome - realy nice work from you guys

    sadly the vo are delayed om my pc as well but not only 1 or 2 seconds, more like 5 or 6 seconds or even a bit more. i have already installed the newest driver for my onboard soundcard. i am usind windows 7. the graphic overlay doesnt work at all...

    hope u guys can help me out cause i have no idea what the reason for that huge delay could be

    i saw youtube-videos from moukass and drathamus, thats why i finally downloaded the stat tracker, but in their videos there is only a very short delay.

    sry for my bad english

  3. #13
    Stat Tracker Development Team
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    We just released a beta update with some changes to our sound handling (Version to fix another error but I would like you guys to try it.

    Tools->Options->Configure->Check Beta Participation. Then go to Help->Update

    s!c, do you have another monitor you can watch the program on? I would like to know if the delay is just the voices or the actual data the stat tracker is receiving / processing. Basically when you get a kill the killboard should populate in less than a second.

    Also, what server do you play on?

  4. #14
    Hi again,

    i updated to version now - the good news: the graphic overlay now works fine including hud etc.

    the bad news: still delayed, not only the voices but also the achievement symbol

    i played a bit on miller and on woodman, on miller the delay is about 6 seconds, on woodman its about the half, so about 3 seconds delay

    i´ve read on the soe-forum that there were a lot of api calls when using the stat tracker and soe would may be forced to limit acces to the api... could this be the reason ? but if so, then all who use the stat tracker would have such a delay right ?

  5. #15
    Cancer Man
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    Can you e-mail us your DXDiag data as well? Perhaps we can find a common configuration/issue.

  6. #16
    Stat Tracker Development Team
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    Realistically, s!c your issue is latency. For the original OP the issue is probably hardware/software related.

    Name:  topology.png
Views: 2662
Size:  16.2 KB

    This image is not entirely accurate and there are more steps around the servers and sockets involved but it conveys the general idea of what is happening and why I am not an artist.

    Steps 4 and 5 roughly double the time required to process information. Depending on your connection quality and locale the delay can be almost non-existent, or quite severe.

    We are currently working on ways to lower this but it involves pretty big changes behind the scenes to do so. When we have more information on it we will update you.

  7. #17
    hm - thats bad, but i thought it will not be the system or your stat tracker...

    but i will send you the dxdiag. time to switch from adsl 16000 to cable i think

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