Quote Originally Posted by Silencer View Post
Go under Tools -> Options -> Configure
Make sure Version is on Auto and go ahead and check Launcher Console. Press Ok. Go To Overlay and Uncheck In-Game Overlay then recheck it.

Does a new console window pop up? The last line should say Hook Ready. If so start PS2. (Note that closing this console will kill the overlay)

If that still doesnt work try starting PS2 before launching RTST. Do you have any other overlays or recording software running?

Note that both PS2 and RTST will either have to run as Admin or both not as Admin.
PS2 doesnt run as admin. If I run the RTST without admin privileges the overlay says an error occured, access denied; so I tried running it as admin and later i tried both PS2 and RTST running as admin. The most I have seen is a window on top-middle with the text 'Recursion Stat Tracker' that fades away. I have seen that even when only RTST was run as admin. Hook ready is the last time in both cases. I did try to start PS2 first and then RTST and vice versa, it made no difference. Usually I start PlayClaw, OBS, TSoverlay and PS2FOV with the launcher but I also tried it without those and starting only the launcher and the game alone, this didn't make a difference too. (I started the launcher as admin)