I guess I'm a lazy person, so I wanted a batch file to launch Recursion along with Planetside 2 through one shortcut.

I made a simple batch file. The lines the file contain are below:

start "" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Recursion\RealTimeStatTracker\RTST.exe"
start "" "C:\Users\Public\Sony Online Entertainment\Installed Games\PlanetSide 2\LaunchPad.exe"

That's it fairly simple right?

Well its not launching Recursion like it would if I simply clicked on the shortcut, it launches, doesn't auto log me in, doesn't have my password stored like normal, and it saves the files named "log4net.config" and "ses.bin" to my desktop.

I'm not sure if its because I didn't include something in my command, or if its because its being launched through a command. If someone could let me know that'd be great.