The achievement editor really consists of two editors at the moment:

1. A game-state method editor for our event tracking engine.

Name:  MethodEditor.PNG
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You can specify via point and click what you want to track through filters, rules, or scripts. You can link past or future events together, check for certain variables, and then reset the count under different conditions. The system will automatically track the consecutive count, the total running count, and the best consecutive count for each method you create.

These methods can be used for creating various game-play systems. One such system is achievements...

2. The achievement editor.
Achievements simply utilize the above methods with achievement specific fields which get linked to an overlay component.

Name:  AchievementEditor.PNG
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Trigger conditions are set through a script. The script in this case reads the tracking variable set from the method editor.

Name:  TriggerEditor.PNG
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You can choose what you want the achievement to display. For example, we often utilize the opponent's name here such as when you knife someone. For knifing in one life it will actually change to the current knife killstreak after a certain amount. This is one reason we went with a full scripting engine.

Name:  DescriptionEditor.PNG
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And also choose which sound file should play. This can be static or dynamic. The script here is for dynamic sounds and returns a random index for the sound file. You could set it to play a certain sound on a specific faction, battlerank, user, whatever you want.

Name:  DynamicSoundEditor.PNG
Views: 1462
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