Regarding stability, it's working pretty well for me right now. There was a period from about 3 weeks ago to 1 week ago where it caused PS2 to crash on launch when the overlay was enabled. It's the same symptoms that I've had on and off throughout the beta period. Still have no idea what might be causing that, although my hardware and OS are far older than the typical user's will be, so I don't know if it'll be a problem for anyone else.

Then of course there's the in game overlay going missing during extended sessions and alt-tabbing. This time I noticed after tabbing back in to planetside the overlay was there for a couple seconds, rapidly updating the "current time" field to try and catch up before it disappeared completely. Don't know if that might be related to the disappearance, as both long sessions and alt-tabbing cause the clock to cycle many times, and both seem to lead to the overlay disappearing.

Other than that, things seem to be working as intended. Fantastic work to you devs and thanks for giving so much of your free time to the community.