Your OS and version: Windows 7 x64
The version of RTST:
Description of the problem: Quite simple. Since, the HUD just refuse to load. All sound components and api calls seems to work as usual. Installing an older version (I have a in backup) will have a working HUD though. was also working perfectly for me outside of having to reload the UI with the old Shift-F3 keybind from time to time.
I read the previous thread about a somewhat similar problem but since it was a different build, I decide to simply make a new thread. Reinstalling, closing Steam, switching from fullscreen to windowed, not having paint running, etc; have been done without positive results.
I'm not sure if there is anything else I can do to help find the cause of this issue. I'm not making any kind of "demand" for a rapid fix but I will admit that I love the Recursion Stats Tracker which is why I'm posting here.