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Thread: Update 10.3

  1. #1
    Stat Tracker Development Team
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    Update 10.3

    Version 0.10.3

    New DirectX Features
    • Interactive UI in the game client is now available.
    • Shift F2 brings up an interface and a cursor allowing interaction with Recursion elements.
      Items can be re-arranged through drag and drop. The stats screen has some basic interaction allowing you to view opponent information in the killboard. More menu options will become available in future updates.

      Name:  HoverCardSample.png
Views: 5103
Size:  204.0 KB

    • Texture animation is now fully working. Animated gifs can be loaded for custom achievement backgrounds. Additionally some achievements themselves will now be animated.
    • A delayed hook option is available under display options. Raising this may help users with slow load times that have problems enabling the overlay.
    • Starting the overlay after the gameclient will no longer result in blurry or blank textures.

    Experience Event Streaming
    • Experience events for yourself and your opponent in relation to you are now tracked.
    • Filter options have been added to the main form. They are off by default.
    • Revives and unboosted experience points are tracked in the in-game stats tab.
    • A new Gunner Information component is now available. You will have to load this manually for now under Tools -> Components -> Load. This is new and could benefit from testing and feedback. It reports total kills for all gunners in your vehicle (if you are driving) and resets on your death.
      Name:  GunnerSample.png
Views: 5169
Size:  87.6 KB

    Misc Changes
    • The program will automatically minimize when starting the game and display when the game has exited. This is a performance improvement to save on total CPU cycles for the program and can be disabled under options.
    • The main form will remember size and location now.
    • Fixed version 9 voicepacks not loading on program start.
    • Components should now restore to defaults properly on first program load.
    • Switched Census calls to new DBG domain.

  2. #2
    Just a couple quick notes: The update seems to override custom achievement backgrounds, and I don't see the Gunner Info component under available components to load.

  3. #3
    Stat Tracker Development Team
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    Quote Originally Posted by RHINO_Mk.II View Post
    Just a couple quick notes: The update seems to override custom achievement backgrounds, and I don't see the Gunner Info component under available components to load.
    You're sure you are on 10.3? I think you've been on alpha updates for awhile and there was one that stopped updates. It should be under your component folder and called RecursionGunnerInfo.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Silencer View Post
    You're sure you are on 10.3? I think you've been on alpha updates for awhile and there was one that stopped updates. It should be under your component folder and called RecursionGunnerInfo.
    I just updated and it's there for me

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Silencer View Post
    You're sure you are on 10.3? I think you've been on alpha updates for awhile and there was one that stopped updates. It should be under your component folder and called RecursionGunnerInfo.
    Yeah, it's not showing up. I was on alpha updates, but RTST thinks it's v. and doesn't show GunnerInfo in the component list. I also tried disabling alpha updates and then repairing install, but it still isn't there.

    EDIT: Derp, that only shows loaded components, not available components. Found it.

  6. #6
    Stat Tracker Development Team
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    Chandler, Arizona
    Just pushed a minor update addressing achievement backgrounds, can you see if custom ones work now?

  7. #7
    Yeah, custom backgrounds are working again.

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