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  1. #41
    Added a few animated icons that I said I was gonna do last night but I fell asleep after the Server Smash so... yeah. Anyway, here they are, like or dislike.

  2. #42
    Stat Tracker Development Team
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    Silencer's Avatar
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    Feb 2014
    Chandler, Arizona
    This is outstanding. Should be out in an update tonight. Hit me up on steam again when you're on.

    Is there anyway to clean up the shadows? Or remove them all together if not.
    Last edited by Silencer; 04-12-2015 at 05:21 PM.

  3. #43
    Stat Tracker Development Team
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    Silencer's Avatar
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    Feb 2014
    Chandler, Arizona
    You know... the rage quit one would be kinda cool to be animated like if the plug pulled apart and the spark animated as that happened.

  4. #44
    Something like this?:

    Name:  RageQuitAnimated.gif
Views: 10639
Size:  115.6 KB

    This is set to only run once. Can make it loop if you want.

  5. #45
    Stat Tracker Development Team
    Recursion Member
    Silencer's Avatar
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    Feb 2014
    Chandler, Arizona
    Yeah that's exactly it. Nice!

  6. #46
    Silencer, I figured I could give the default achievement background that pops up in game a new twist, along the lines of the other pop up/button(s) yet still distinct. So I just made it with the boarder all the way around, and outer glow as well, not just inner. Have a look and see what you think:

    Attachment 917

    Name:  new RTST achievement in game.jpg
Views: 10781
Size:  1.62 MB

  7. #47
    Looks pretty sexy to me.

  8. #48
    Updated OP by cleaning it up a bit and added an array of new achievement backgrounds with the new format. Should be plenty of base ones to chose from for people if they want something other than the standard look. Requests for backgrounds are welcome, but I'll make them on my time schedule if anything.

  9. #49
    Updated OP with a new MLG gif in the new format, and even more MLG

  10. #50
    Hi gents !

    First time I post here, so don't mind telling me if it's the wrong spot. I just wanted to ask a few things about the animated achievement backgrounds, without opening a new topic; I made a custom animated background for the guys from my unit, but it doesn't play the animation when an event is triggered (it stays on frame 1). Here is the gif (and also static png) :

    Name:  banner.gif
Views: 10432
Size:  85.6 KB
    Name:  banner.png
Views: 10442
Size:  65.4 KB

    I was wondering :
    - is it okay to use a gif set as "infinite loop" ?
    - is there a maximum file size for the gif ?
    - is there a maximum number of frame for the gif ?

    thx for your replies and for doing such a great job !


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