[Voice Pack] Star wars battlefront II (2005) Republic Voice pack!
Hey there guys!
So after much convincing of my outfit mates, I finally installed recursion and...well mostly fell in love the with custom voice packs. So much so that I created my own. Its still a work in progress and I update it whenever I feel like it, but I have made a voice pack based on the game star wars battlefront 2 from 2005 (damn I feel old saying that) as its one of my most favorite games to play! I've been using this voice pack for a bit now and had great fun with it.
This voice pack featuers:
- Custom banner (thats really just art cut down but it sounds fancy)
- Minimum of repetition in voice lines
- Most achievements are covered (cept any speciality ones like Fire or Iced and Care bare stare or 40 kill streak maxes)
- Dynamic sounds for PER_KILL for some variety.
- Custom Crosshair to be used with the Crosshair mod
- Lots of clones shouting

Download Link
Any feedback is greatly appreciated as I'm still trying to better it by including more dynamic voicelines to keep the pack as chaotic as I can. I'll post any updates in this thread and new links to them as I continue my work on it! Have fun and see you planetside.

Example in game:
25-01-2021: Edited custom Crosshair to now be an actual circle, added different colors to match those of the recusion crosshair mod
26-11-2020: Added custom Crosshair to the package, to install, locate the crosshair folder (RecursionTracker -> 1 -> Crosshairs) then open up the Mods tab -> Mod manager -> Crosshair mod -> Crosshair -> Configure
12-11-2020: Changed permissions on the download link so anyone should be able to download it now without requesting me
Last edited by PvTNidu; 01-25-2021 at 01:42 AM.
Ah, finally found it, i think the reddit post is missing or im just blind.
What do you mean? The link in the reddit post should be the straight dl (unless my drive has messed up somehow)
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