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  1. #1

    Question Recursion Tracker "Closed"

    I went to use Recursion and it originally would track my stats but not much else. Now the program says "Closed" and will not connect. I am assuming this is an API problem with Daybreak or the service is just down right now? I already tried all the classic start as admin, before game, after game, reinstall, etc. Also displays ERROR: SOCKET TIMEOUT, when I try to manually start a session.

    Name:  Recursion_Closed.png
Views: 11008
Size:  173.0 KB

    I am just checking to see if this is a bug or the service is just currently not available, thank you!

  2. #2
    Surprisingly, I have not encountered this problem.

  3. #3
    i have the same issue as OP, began yesteday i believe and hasn't worked since.

  4. #4
    There must be a problem with the server...

  5. #5
    From what I have found, it is on Daybreak's end. So being patient is probably the only thing you can really do

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by ayoungfl View Post
    From what I have found, it is on Daybreak's end. So being patient is probably the only thing you can really do
    I hope it's not all so sad!

  7. #7
    Same problem. Stopped working over 2 weeks ago.

  8. #8
    The problem is fixed! Big thanks to Talthos on the bugs thread and "lllSilencerlll" a main developer!

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