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  1. #1
    Stat Tracker Development Team
    Recursion Member
    Silencer's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Chandler, Arizona

    0.9.2 Full Patch Notes - Persistent HUD Overlay, Voice Packs, and Session Saving

    Full Patch Notes

    -New Features-
    A Persistent Stats HUD Overlay is now available for displaying basic stats similar to the streaming overlay.
    - This can be customized or turned off under configuration options.

    Custom Voice Packs can now be created and loaded under configuration options. Sound files need to be in .ogg format.
    Each achievement now has multiple options available for it:
    - Sound Enabled
    - In-Game Overlay Enabled
    - Streaming Overlay Enabled
    - Sound File to Use
    It is possible to publish your settings and share them and any custom sound files with other users.

    Session Saving is now available under the Session tab. This will save any current session to the Recursion Server for later viewing on our website.
    - This saves current weapon stats, all killboard events, character information, and earned achievements for this time frame.

    API Offline Mode
    - If the Census servers are down the program can now attempt to only use the event socket connection. The program will function in limited capacity but still offer session stats and most achievements.

    DirectX Improvements!
    - The rendering process has been improved allowing more effects and better filtering.
    - Animation timers have improved accuracy.
    - Alt tab should function better and more consistently regain a connection to PlanetSide.
    - Updated VC++ libraries to 2013.

    Added Minimize, Maximize, and Exit Buttons. Look out future, we are ready for you!

    New Achievement Mutually Assured Death!
    New Achievement for 500 kill-streak!
    New Achievement for killing the same person 10+ times!

    - Bug Fixes -
    New Sound Implementation!
    -In order to address waveOut and other errors some users with certain sound cards and drivers experienced we have reworked the entire process to hopefully resolve these issues.
    Multiple N/A kills in the same timestamp will count correctly toward stats.
    Vehicle events will now update weapon specific vehicle stats properly.
    Locked DPI settings for DirectX bitmap generation. This corrects an issue where text would not scale correctly on high DPI settings while in-game.

    - Changes -
    The tilde stats screen now features a clock.
    Turning off DirectX or the HUD will now free the appropriate resources in PlanetSide.
    Updated Recursion server links in the client to reflect the new address.
    More achievement icons have been added.
    Configuration menu has been modified and cleaned up for use with the new features.
    Restoring defaults on the streaming overlay will now reset all images used to default.
    Loading custom images for the streaming overlay now uses an improved process to reduce the possibility of a locked file error when switching between editing modes.
    Improved various error handling on the streaming overlay.
    The streaming overlay will now display the item being dragged.
    Misc fixes.

    Saving Sessions
    When you are finished with a session and want to record it for yourself or for others to see, go to Session -> Save Session.

    You can then view previously saved sessions from visiting our website.
    Name:  SavedSession.JPG
Views: 1242
Size:  89.4 KB
    Last edited by Silencer; 06-08-2014 at 05:19 PM.

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