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  1. #1
    Stat Tracker Development Team
    Recursion Member
    Silencer's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Chandler, Arizona

    Issues Starting the Client

    Updating from V10 to V11 may have caused problems for some users.

    Generally the simplest fix is reinstalling using our offline installer which can be downloaded here

    If you are still getting an error message on startup you may also want to try lowering or disabling or adding us as an exception to your anti virus (Including Windows Defender). While we try to make sure we don't send any false positives against the majority of av clients, it may not be perfect.

    Finally, check out our general troubleshooting tips here

  2. #2
    Hey Silencer would you be so kind as to verify something for me please?

    In the Mods tab it shows the Active Mods and when I click on the PS2 logo I see the Game State showing as Installed and Enabled but it's greyed out I can right click on the greyed out words and select Open Directory and I was wondering if that directory should point to the Planetside 2 directory or the current one which is c:/windows/Programe files (x86)/Recursion/RecursionTracker/Mods/3/ ?

    On the Active Mods page once I click on the Game State greyed out words, my only option in the right hand panel is Close because Configure and Remove are both greyed out.

    Is this why I cant get Recursion to work at all maybe?

    I have been reinstalling and troubleshooting and starting in evey mode possible for literally hours with no luck at all, it's driving me bonkers!

    Thanks in advance Silencer

  3. #3
    Is normal ????

  4. #4
    Recursion Officer
    Menace's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    United States
    This happens just about every month when BattleEye updates their software and RST somehow becomes unwhitelisted. The PS2 Devs already emailed them so it should be resolved soon.


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